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Thread: Find the approx. area (in sq.m) that the goat can graze

  1. #1

    Find the approx. area (in sq.m) that the goat can graze

    A goat is tied to the corner of a rectangular plot, of dimensions 14m*7m, with a rope 21m long. Since there is a small wall constructed all along the plot, and the goat is tied outside the plot, it cannot graze inside the plot but can graze outside it, as far as the rope permits. Find the approx. area(in sq.m) that the goat can graze.

  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Find the approx. area (in sq.m) that the goat can graze

    The Answer is 3)1232

    The total area is = 0.75 ((22/7) * 21 * 21)
    + 0.25 ((22/7) * 14 * 14)
    + 0.25 ((22/7) * 7 * 7)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Find the approx. area (in sq.m) that the goat can graze

    C) 1232. pretty easy

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