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Thread: Proceeding to next transaction

  1. #1
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Proceeding to next transaction

    In our project after a transaction the application displays a message "sale order created MO001" in this string i have to use only the number MO001 and has to proceed to next transaction how to do this

    NOTE : [This question was asked by feroz]

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Proceeding to next transaction

    In this case, First of all, you will need to split the string. i.e. get the text you need from it. To do this, you may need a "Right(x,y) Function"
    Then You will need to use an Output Parameter to get the Mo001 and hold it (i.e. if you are using Quality Center or TD along with your test) If not, you may just output the data in a datatable.
    Then you load the next transaction and use the stored data by calling an input parameter.

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