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Thread: Parameterization of a query which uses the Parameters collection of the “ADODB”

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Parameterization of a query which uses the Parameters collection of the “ADODB”

    Hi all,
    I’ll be more than glad if somebody could provide a code sample of a SQL parameterization which uses the Parameters collection of the “ADODB” object model.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Parameterization of a query which uses the Parameters collection of the “ADODB”

    Private sub command()

    dim objcon as adodb.connection
    dim objcom as adodb.command
    dim objpara as adodb.parameter
    dim objpara2 as adodb.parameter
    dim objrs as adodb.recordset
    dim k as integer
    set objcon = new adodb.connection set objcom = new adodb.command 'creating the db connection string 'please change the below connection string as per your server and database being used.
    Objcon.connectionstring = "provider=sqloledb.1;password=;persist security info=true;user id=sa;initial catalog=testsql;data source=rockets" 'opening the connection objcon.connectionstring
    msgbox "connection opened" 'assigning the command object parameters

    .commandtext = "getrecords" 'name of the stored procedure
    .commandtype = adcmdstoredproc 'type : stored procedure
    .activeconnection = objcon.connectionstring
    End With

    'create 2 output parameters
    set objpara = objcom.createparameter("rows", adinteger, adparamoutput)
    set objpara2 = objcom.createparameter("status", advarchar, adparamoutput, 50)

    'append the output parameters to command object
    objcom.parameters.append objpara
    objcom.parameters.append objpara2

    'store the result in a recordset
    set objrs = objcom.execute 'open the recordset

    do while not objrs.eof
    for k = 0 to objrs.fields.count - 1
    debug.print objrs(k).name & ": " & objrs(k).value
    debug.print "_____"
    loop 'close the recordset objrs.close 'retrieve the output parameters values

    msgbox "total records returned: " & objpara.value
    msgbox objpara2.value
    'close connection

    objcon.close 'cleaning up
    set objcom = nothing
    set objcon = nothing
    set objpara = nothing
    set objpara2 = nothing
    set objrs = nothing
    end sub


    Last edited by NawabShaikh; 06-04-2008 at 10:23 PM. Reason: alignment

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Parameterization of a query which uses the Parameters collection of the “ADODB”

    Hi Nawab,
    Thanks a lot Nawab!!!
    Is it exactly the same syntax for a query as for a stored procedure (your example)?
    If I’m not wrong I think (according to a sample I have seen somewhere) that there is a little difference in case of a query, if I’m not wrong there should be a use of question mark to represent the parameter in the query.
    If by any chance you could provide a code sample of a query parameterization
    I’ll be very glad.
    One more little thing, I’m a bit confused is your code in vb or vbscript?

    Thanks in advance

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