I'm trying to do something, I thought, was simple.
I'm grabbing some link titles from the DataTable and I'm trying to use it as a Link().Click
So I navigate all the static pages
'Grab the next pages I want to iterate through
lnk = (DataTable ("iterLink", dtGlobalSheet))
Browser("micClass:=Browser").Page("micClass:=Page").Link(lnk).Click 'should be Link("name:=[lnk]").Click Or something like that
'Do some reusable actions that test the page
'Finish and go to the next page to test
I'm doing it this way because all of the tests are the same, but the page that is to be tested changes on a daily bases and someone else selects what gets tested.
They don't use QTP and I figured a script that reads the Excel sheet would be easiest. So I want it to be as flexible as possible. I'm using the title of the pages because they are unique and I want to use the .Click to capture the active screen (the Navigate method doesn't do that for me) and the url (href) changes from time-to-time.
I hope it makes sense what I'm doing. What do I need to do to make this work? Is there a better method?
Thanks in advance for any help.
PS: I did try to use Description.Create() but it doesn't work correctly. the result shows that it can identify it (put a square around the link), but it cannot use the object (click it).