Can anybody please explain me what are the points to be considered while writing security test cases? Are they executed manually as well as by automation? Thanks.
Can anybody please explain me what are the points to be considered while writing security test cases? Are they executed manually as well as by automation? Thanks.
ya, me too searching for the same.
actually there are many types of security testings.
Form based testing
server based testing
network based testing.
explain anyone who has strong knowledge of security testing.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
Google Plus : jainbrijeshji
Security testing is testing of the security policies of the software.
The access policies, procedures and privileges of a user may change depending on its user type. Users may have different privileges on a client machine or on a server machine or on different network machine connectivity.
I think,
Form Based security testing is testing of security levels on a standalone application, Server Based is on a client-server application and Network Based is on a web application.
I was never a part of security testing. It is best tested by the developers or the designers of the security system.
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