
Type: Posts; User: Subashini.Ramasamy; Keyword(s):

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  1. New events included in VB6.0 textbox

    Hi, What are the new events in textbox that has been included in VB6.0
  2. Is VB platform dependent or independent?

    Is VB platform dependent or independent?
  3. SQL Server - How to view the structure of the table

    How to view the structure of the table in SQL Server
    What is the latest version of SQL Server 2000
  4. Answers

    Oracle Oracle Null and Unique value

    Hi Friends,

    I have created a table with 2 fields such as name and rollno.
    I specified rollno as unique constraint instead of not null constraint.

    I have used the following query to change the...
  5. SQL Can we use procedures within Views

    Hi Friends,

    Can you just tell me that Can we use procedures within Views? Can you just tell me as soon as possible
  6. Answers

    Oracle How many types of views are there?

    Hi Friends,

    Can you just tell me that How many types of views are there?
  7. Fetch the details about particular person from database

    I want to fetch the details about particular person from database by giving input in VB.

    For eg, If i give a name like 'Susi' in textbox of vb, it should fetch and display the corresponding...
  8. Form_Load(), Form_initialize() and Form_Activate() event

    Can you just tell me that among Form_Load(), Form_initialize() and Form_Activate() event, Which one occurs first, second and third?
  9. Answers

    ActiveX DLL and ActiveX EXE

    Eventhough ActiveX DLL is faster than ActiveX EXE,Why are we using ActiveX EXE more?
  10. Answers

    ASP.NET Creating a Welcome Cookie.

    Hi Friends,
    Can you just clarify my doubts?
    I have typed as following code for creating a Welcome Cookie.
    dim num
Results 1 to 10 of 10
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