
Type: Posts; User: nrbabu; Keyword(s):

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  1. How can i captured excell file rows and cells data through winrunner?

    How can i captured excell file rows and cells data through winrunner?

    Can anyone post script for this?
  2. Answers

    Re: Does winrunner 7.0 will support webtesting?

    Thanks for your posting
  3. Answers

    Does winrunner 7.0 will support webtesting?

    Does winrunner 7.0 will support webtesting? Not able to capture web application objects using GUI editor..... It's showing 'html_frame' window only in GUI editor window.
  4. How can i proceed with QTP framework?

    Hi All,

    How can i proceed with QTP automation framework? Is there any tips to do that..... Please clarify and suggest which automation frame work is suitable for QTP... Genarally i observed...
Results 1 to 4 of 4
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