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  1. Oracle Re: Creating a table by copying another table's structure


    Create table emp1 as select * from emp where 1=2
    See, here u are trying to create a new table "emp1" with same structure of what the "emp" table has with no data.

    But, as you said ...
  2. SQL Re: How to display 3rd highest salary to 5th highest salary from emp table

    Try this..

    select empname, salary
    from (select empname, salary, dense_rank() over(order by salary) d_rank
    from emp)
    where d_rank in (3,4,5);
  3. Thread: Unix

    by ecearund

    Unix/Linux Re: Unix

    To know about all the commands in unix..
    Refer this site Part*II*Section 1: Commands

    One more way..
    Just hold the Tab key for a while it will asks for possibilities:Say Y
    You will get the list...
  4. Answers

    SQL Re: How to use revoke and grant in sql commands

    Hi frnd,
    This is some thing like syntax for ur questn...

    Grant select on object_name to user_name;

    Revoke select on object_name from user_name;
  5. Answers

    SQL Re: Delete duplicate records without using "rowid"

    Yes it is possible using analytic functions...
    I think this one will help you...

    select *
    from ( select a.*,
    row_number() over ( partition by column1 order by column2) r
  6. SQL Re: Can Select statement be used along with Update statement?

    Yes you can...
    Here some examples for u...

    UPDATE Table1
    SET Table1(col1) = (SELECT Table2(col1)
    FROM Table2
    WHERE some condition);
Results 1 to 6 of 79
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