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  1. Re: Difference between method overriding and overloading

    Hi there... PPPreeti :-) ... Yes, this is called Function Overloading.

    Overriding is the process of "redefining" the behavior of a parent class' method in the child class.
    Overloading is the...
  2. Answers

    Re: I want to be a business analyst.

    Sireesha - There are two areas of Business Analysis that one can be in (IT side, also known as Business Systems Analysis), and the Business side (analyzing the actual business). While these two have...
  3. Answers

    Re: Regression and Sanity Testing

    Simply put, qa sanity testing (or smoke testing) occurs at the front end of testing (after the code drop, and before qa testing begins), while regression testing usually occurs at the tail end of the...
  4. Answers

    Re: Dynamic Polymorphism in C

    I am a little out of touch with coding. So, I may not the actual code part right. However, in theory, there are a couple different ways to achieve what you are asking. You are asking to write a...
  5. Answers

    Re: test your thinking power

    Depends on the program logic. Each has its downsides and upsides though.
    For Loop
    Advantages include
    1. The entire loop can be in one single executable line of code
    2. Has the loop conter...
  6. Answers

    Re: Browser Testing

    As a prject manager, my expectation from my test team is as follows.
    When testing a web application, I expect the test plan to contain at least two passes of testing. If the application...
  7. Answers

    Re: abstraction Vs encapsulation

    Encapsulation: A simple definition of encapsulation is - combining the data (information) and the methods (functions) that can manipulate that data into one capsule (class/object). Depending on how...
  8. Answers

    Re: What is the race condition?

    Race Conditions: When two threads (with same or different execution paths) race with each other to acquire the same resource (be it memory variable or any other programmable resource). An important...
  9. Re: What are the major issues to be aware of when developing multi-threaded applicati

    Considerations: Some of the things to watch out for are
    1. Inter-thread communication - how (and if) each of these threads will communicate with the other
    2. Sharing memory/data - when each...
  10. Re: What are the major issues to be aware of when developing multi-threaded applicati

    Considerations: Some of the things to watch out for are
    1. Inter-thread communication - how (and if) each of these threads will communicate with the other
    2. Sharing memory/data - when each...
  11. Re: Difference between method overriding and overloading

    Function Overriding: In a child class, redefining the default behavior of an inherited function (default behavior of an inherited function is the behavior defined in the parent class for this...
Results 1 to 11 of 17
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