Hi Friends,
How can we update the Object Repository in Runtime with new properties?
Can anybody provide clear code on this topic?
Suresh K
Hi Friends,
How can we update the Object Repository in Runtime with new properties?
Can anybody provide clear code on this topic?
Suresh K
You need to Create the QTP Application object, here all the API's of QTP including that of Object Repository are Present which can serve the purpose.
Browser().Page().Frame().WebButton("Ok").SetTOProperty("name =: LH")
We can update the values of Object at runtime using SetROProperty
Browser().Page().Webedit().SetROProperty("name").Value = "abc"
We can get runtime object values using getROProperty();
If wrong Correct me..
SetROProperty ....There is no such method.
Please read the following in detail.
Objcet Repositry remains Read Only during Record and Run Session but the first time QuickTest encounters an object during a run session, it creates a temporary version of the test object for that run session. QuickTest uses the object description to create this temporary version of the object. For the remainder of the component, QuickTest refers to the temporary version of the test object rather than to the test object in the object repository
So, You can modify the properties of the temporary version of the object during the run session without affecting the permanent values in the object repository by adding a SetTOProperty statement in a user-defined function.
Use the following syntax for the SetTOProperty method:
Object(description).SetTOProperty Property, Value