Can you merge 2 object repositories in QTP?
Can you merge 2 object repositories in QTP?
there are two types of OR in QTP
1. Per Action
2. Shared.
per action means you have individual OR for every action
shared means you have single OR for multiple actions.
You cannot merge two OR in QTP..
do let me know if you get more info on this ...
Last edited by jainbrijesh; 01-04-2008 at 08:39 AM.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
Google Plus : jainbrijeshji
YES - you can merge 2 repositories in qtp using object repository manager.
Merging local to shared repository.
You would need to associate the shared repository with the action containing the local repository. Go to "object repository manager - update from local repository" option.
Follow these steps to merge -
1. Go to resources -> object repository manager.
2. In the object repository manager window, go to file -> open, and select the shared object repository file. Clear the “open in read-only mode” checkbox.
3. If the repository file opened in read-only mode, go to file -> enable editing.
4. Go to tools -> update from local repository.
Merging shared repositories
1. Open the object repository manager.
2. Go to tools -> object repository merge tool.
3. In the new merge window, browse to the primary repository file. Select the secondary repository file.
4. Click ok
5. Review the merge statistics, as described in viewing merge statistics, and resolve any merge conflicts that were reported.
Gud Description Umesh.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
Google Plus : jainbrijeshji
very good answer,this is helpful for me also....
Thnaks Umesh for such a descriptive and valuable answer.
Thanks Umesh for the wonderful description....My doubts got cleared too..
One more thing to add with Umesh comment ...
this can be done only in QTP 9 not in 8.X version of QTP...
I had the same doubt if it works with QTP 8.X or not hence initially i mentioned that it cant be done..
anyways good Kunal u mentioned it..
Chhaya, qtp 8x versions don't have or merge tool nor is there a provision for multiple object repositories per action.
hei man..
now we got QTP has a direct OR marge facility
Hi umesh,
How to merge object repositories in QTP 8.2.
Is there any way to do it, because we dont have ORM in 8.2
Please ...............
I have some scripts which created on QTP 8.2 using a OR "82OR". Just got QTP updgraded and created new script which added few more objects but these objects are local to the new script.
How do I merge the object in the (local) script to the "82OR"?
I cannot find a way to save the new OR. If I can save it, I think I can use your above instructions.
umesh made it very clear