This was the test that is coded using Descriptive Programming (DP) techniques. I couldn't solve the problem when I was learning QTP. It is reopened today and the problem still persists.
This test runs fine until that colored statement. It gets stuck there and the error message says “The operation can not be performed”.with window("text:=Flight Reservation")
.activeX("acx_name:=MaskEdBox").type "070707"
.wincombobox("attached text:=Fly From:").Select "Denver"
.wincombobox("attached text:=Fly To:").Select "London"
.dialog("text:=Flights Table").winlist("attached text:=From", "Window ID:=2001").selectrange 0
.dialog("text:=Flights Table").winbutton("text:=OK").click
.winedit("attached text:=Name:").set "SutNarCha"
.winbutton("text:=Insert Order").click
end with
All its argument values are written after applying “Object Spy” on the respective objects.
Please help solve this problem.