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Thread: Is it possible to insert a recode into fact table

  1. #1

    Is it possible to insert a recode into fact table

    Hi guys I have one double please give me reply

    Is it possible to insert a recode into fact table, it means that record doesnt have primary key in dimention table for example we take emp, dept table. We dont have this recode in dept table

    deptno -- 50
    dname -- ABC
    LOC -- XYZ

    but we want insert into emp table
    empno - 1234
    ename --- abc
    deptno -- 50,

    is it possible?


  2. #2
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Is it possible to insert a recode into fact table

    If you claim that EMP as FACT table and DEPT as dimension then Not possible because FACT must have the referential integrity rule with their dimensions.

    Hope Everything Good

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