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Thread: Can you guess

  1. #1
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Can you guess

    Nancy drives to the school to pick up her children. If she drives at her current speed, she will arrive on time. If she drives 5 miles per hour faster, she will arrive 12 minutes early. If she were to drive 5 miles per hour slower instead, she would arrive 15 minutes late.
    Can you guess how far away the school is?

  2. #2
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Can you guess

    We all know that time = distance/speed
    If the original time is t then we are given that
    Distance/(speed+5) = time – 12/60 = time – .2
    Distance/(speed-5) = time + 15/60 = time + .5

    Solving this we get
    Distance = 90

    Am I right!!!!!!!!!!!

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