Junior Member
what is the differance b/w c# and vb
hi, i want to know what is the differance b/w c# and vb.
Contributing Member
Re: what is the differance b/w c# and vb
Hi Swati,
The basic difference between two programming languages is syntactical (keywords, language construct etc).
For more u can go through Microsoft whitepaper
---V V---
Vikas Vaidya
Junior Member
Re: what is the differance b/w c# and vb
hi!! swati , c# is object oriented language which is used to devlop a program in dot net environment where as vb is object based language. vb.net is used for developing an application in dot net environment which is object oriented extension of classic vb.
Junior Member
Re: what is the differance b/w c# and vb
Since your asking about C#, I will make the assumption that your also asking about VB.Net.
C# uses the 'c structure' when coding. Learning and programming in c# has a big advantage as this will help you learn c++ or c much easier. But you would likely only use c if your writing quick apps or programs which would be loaded on a chip.
VB.Net uses the 'basic structure' when coding. You can leverage this for programming VBA (visual basic for applications) which is used in Word and Excel, and VBS (visual basic script). Visual Studio does a pretty decent job of HIDING some things from you when programming in VB. How events are wired up on VB appear simple when you compare them to C#'s delegates.
In the end I would suggest actually spending time on both, but C# seems like the more commonly used language.
Junior Member
Re: what is the differance b/w c# and vb
c# is foundation language fot entire dot net platform .
C# is object oriented language which supprt dont. frame work asp.net pages which is used in distributed programming ado .net for used data acesing with help of c# without c# .net framework is uncomplete .
otherside vb is language which provide gui tools for windows application like controls addbutoon ,radio buton vb was selected in .net frame work for tools utilization
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