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Thread: Create J2EE project using Eclipse?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Create J2EE project using Eclipse?

    I had installed eclipse 3.2 with that i didn't get any option like for creating j2ee project.

    What should I need to do to get an environment which provides me j2ee envt.

    To do j2ee projects which version of eclipse is needed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Create J2EE project using Eclipse?

    With eclipse 3.x you can create only core java applications. If you want to do j2ee based applications you have to install related plug ins. For example to do struts related applications you have to install struts related plug in eclipse. If you search in google for 'Download struts realted plug-ins for Eclipse' you will get them and install and can do the applications.

    Otherwise if you have MyEclipse you can do j2ee based applications. But it is not for free you have to pay some amount for that. If you have trail version of myeclipse you can do j2ee based applications.


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