Hi, We called DefectId a FaultId in our organisation. How can I use a user defined field of Defect in QC 9.0 to increment like DefectId does and use the user defined field as FaultId in the defect form
Hi, We called DefectId a FaultId in our organisation. How can I use a user defined field of Defect in QC 9.0 to increment like DefectId does and use the user defined field as FaultId in the defect form
Last edited by qa_girl; 01-25-2008 at 09:15 AM. Reason: spell check
Hi Qa_girl,
You could customize QC to create a New field "Fault ID" in Quality center. You require Admin access for the same.
On QC Start Page, you will find the Customize link on Left hand side. Login as Admin. Navigate to the Defects tab detail page. You shall find an option to add an User-defined field. Create a New field as "Fault ID".
You can also specify the field type. check if you have autonumber option. This would enable the field to be an autoincrementing field for every instance it is called.
Incase it is not so, you would have to Script and create a Sequence which would be incrementing every time New Defect action is called for.
Try the above and incase you require the code, I shall try sending that across as well.
Thanks for the tip. I want to use FaultId is RMS001, where RMS is the 3 letter project code. How do I do this for the new user field
Do you want to device an id for a new defect?How do I do this for the new user field
Since you want a Alphanumeric code for your Defect ID, I guess using an Autonumber datatype is ruled out. You would have to code for this particualr field.
NOTE : The below logic would have to be in VB syntax. Also this would work only incase you want a sequentially increasing FaultID.
On the Add New Defect event, you would have to write a code which would generate a sequence of number starting with RMS001. Define a static variable Defect ID with value as RMS001. Once you enter the Sequence code, use a Substr method to extract the 001 part and increment it by value 1.
Also you could use a check to ensure that after updation, Defect ID reflects an incremented value.
Now set the value of your User Defined field Fault ID with Defect ID variable.
I presently dont have admin access to QC, but I have tried this and it should work. Do let me know incase of any issues you face.
Iam working in Quality Center 9.0.We can have our user defined fields in QC in any module.For this we need to do customization.defect Id will be assigned automatically when we upload defects.We even can't make Defect ID invisible.So there is no use of defining new user defined field instead of "Defect ID".Please let me know if you found any solution or if you need any clarifications.
Hi Umesh,
Iam Deepika.Iam working on QC 9.0.I saw ur quotes related to defect id.So will it work only when we add new defects?bcoz i need to delete all defects and upload new defects....so here i need to set the defect ID to "one" in SiteAdmin bcoz when we reupload Defect ID will be continuation number of earlier defect ID.
So according to your quote i guess there is a possibility of creating user defined field which can increase the Defect ID...is it possible when we upload around lets say "N" number of defects from excel sheet?Please try to reply as soon as possible.I need to answer to my client.
Thanks in advance
Hi Deepika,
what you stated is correct. Defect ID cannot be masked as I guess it would be a Mandatory field in Defects Tab.
Also as you stated, defect Id would only show the next number in continuation to the last value for every New Defect addition.
I would suggest hence, to create a New user-defined field and name it as FaultID, BugID and follow the above suggested methodology. You can initialize this field to start from 1. Though Defect Id would also be reflected, you can request the client to Ignore the same and consider Fault ID as the primary field.
Whenever you export the Defects to Excel, hide the Defect ID field so that atleast the excel sheet would not reflect duplicate ID's.
Hi Umesh,
Thanks for your reply.....iam getting confused...i can define a user defined field which can work like defect id....but we need to write code in Setup work flow...and more over i don't know how it works...can you please send me the code..coz its an urgent issue for me...iam waiting for ur reply frm mng onwards...and moreover i guess its not possible to ignore Defect ID...but we can map the user defined field to the column of Bug ID in excel sheet....where bug id can be exported automatically while uploading...iam getting confused..but need urgent solution.if you don't mine can i have ur contact number...please send it to my id:deepikareddy64@gmail.com and send me notification in geekinterviews plzzzzzzz
Please give immediate reply...
Thanks alot
I use hp quality centre (qc) for manual testing and test management, soon to add quick test pro for automated regression testing. I am using ontime as primarily a defect and feature tracking tool across a small company. I would've liked to have used the defect tracking tool that is integrated in qc but business wise it didn't have scope the company was after. With ontime we can track incidents from our clients, track features that will be included in upcomming releases and keep track of defects or issues. Testing wise basic defect workflow is: 1. Find a defect while running our tests in qc. 2. Enter defect in ontime. 3. Take ontime defect id and enter it against the failed test in qc. 4. When defect is resolved move defect id in qc to history. 5. Then close defect in ontime. The process is the same for automated and manual testing.
Hi QA Gril,
Just wanted to check, how can we take a report which has the test id, test name, along with defect id, description, priority & sevrity.
Is it possible to add a user field called Test id in defects tab and get the test id automatically from the test case where we are raising the bug