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Thread: win runner

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Question win runner

    which is widely used analog or context recording

  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: win runner


    context sensitive mode of recording is widely used for functional automation purpose. This is because it is based on graphical user interface and the context in which the object occurs in gui.

    Analog recording basically works with keyboard inputs, mouse clicks and precise x and y co-ordinates. This is more or less used when you wish to work with exact co-ordinates as incase of digital signatures etc.

    Incase we use analog recording to work with normal application, the tests would repeatedly fail coz co-ordinates would keep differing.
    This could be because of change in screen resolution, addition of new objects to hierarchy etc.
    Hence context sensitive is preferred.


  3. #3

    Re: win runner

    Using the types of recording depends on which you are going to validate.

    In most of the conditions context sensitive recording is preferred as it depends on the occurrence of the objects in GUI. If you are going to record the digital signature, or to track the mouse movements then in this case you have to go for Analog mode.

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