Having problems using the commands ps, cut, tr and kill, along with pipes, need a command that will find all sleep processes running on the system and kill them?
Having problems using the commands ps, cut, tr and kill, along with pipes, need a command that will find all sleep processes running on the system and kill them?
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There could be processes/daemons which are just sleeping but essential for the keeping the system sane. Killing this as root could have disastrous effects. For example, if you are in GUI and have running a lot of programs like browsers, messengers, document editors, mail clients, etc...... If you just run a "ps -aux" command on the terminal and no other IO activity, then your system could show all the process sleeping and just your "ps -aux" as running. Kill all the sleeping process is bring the system to a halt.
create, monitor, and kill processes: includes running jobs in the foregroundand background, bringing a job from the background to the foreground andvice versa, monitoring active processes, sending signals to processes, andkilling processes. Includes using commands ps, top, kill, bg, fg, and jobs. Report process status :: *ps you can view all the processes that linux is running using the ps command.the syntax for ps is shown below: ps option(s)some common ps options areptionexplanationeshows the environmentfformats the output as a tree, showing parent and childprocessesadisplays all processeslprovides more detail including nice valuesushows who each process belongs to x shows processes without an associated terminalnote that with ps the - is not needed before the option.an example of using ps is illustrated below:[clive@ext7144 /etc]$ ps aux ¦ less c.r.gouldsection a objective 5 page 2linux administration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------