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Thread: How to run the Bath file using QTP/Vbscript

  1. #1

    How to run the Bath file using QTP/Vbscript

    Please let me know how to run the Batch file using Vbscript/QTP script aswell as how to close the command prompt?


  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: How to run the Bath file using QTP/Vbscript

    Hi i can do like this for batch testing..........

    I have taken 3 tests as a example for doing batch run. They are
    1 is display - It will display a message in a word doc.
    2 is displaydate - It will display a date and time as a message box.
    3 is multiplication- It will display the mathematical table in a Notepad.
    I converted them into respective functions and saved in notepad as a vbs file.(in C:\VB LIBRARY FILES\)
    And I wrote a VBS function that is called above 3 functions. and saved as a callAll.vbs( in C:\VB LIBRARY FILES\)
    Before running this test(BatchTestRun) I loaded all the files into resource tab

    callAll()'Here i am just calling callAll function which is defined in callAll.vbs File.

    public function display()
    'To open a word doc,type something and save the doc and close

    set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    WordObj.visible = true
    Set WordDoc = WordObj.Documents.Add
    WordDoc.Range.InsertBefore "Hi Good Morning!"
    WordDoc.SaveAs "C:\Greetings.doc"
    Set WordObj = nothing
    end function
    public function displaydate()
    'To display the date in Notepad

    set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set fptr=fso.createtextfile("c:\sample.txt")
    a=FormatDateTime(Date, 1)
    msgbox a
    fptr.writeline a
    end function
    public function multiplication()
    'To open notepad and write a mathematical table in that throug QTP and save in C Drive and close

    Set obj=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")
    Set of=obj.createtextfile("c:\mat.txt")
    For i=1 to 10
    of.writeline"5 * "&i&" = "&x
    end function
    public function callAll()
    msgbox "Test 1 is Pass"
    msgbox "Test 2 is Pass"
    msgbox "Test 3 is Pass"
    end function
    '''''''''''''''Like this we can run multiple tests at a time without using TestBatchRunner Application...
    '''''''''''''''By putting a flag at end of the each function, we can know that status of the particular test is executed or not.

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