Junior Member
Error string length is too long
Hi All,
The length of the string which i can use in the eval function in Winrunner.
When i try to execute a function using eval(), i got the error as string length is too long.
Please help me to use maximum no of length strings in eval.
Re: Error string length is too long
Please try these and check out
# PURPOSE: invokes test calls and manages its execution
# INPUT PARAM: test_name - mandatory name of invoked test
# table_name - mandatory name of the input data table
# RETURN VALUE: Returns E_OK or error code
public function test_process(in script_name, in table_name, in test_case, in order_data_set) {
auto i, log_text, cwin, row_number, row_content, header_count, header_content,res;
if (NoBefore=="") win_save(windows_list_file); # if windows list is empty, save windows
res=file_open (root_path"\"REGRESSION_TESTS"\"script_name"\script", FO_MODE_READ); # check that file exists
if(res!=E_OK) {
my_tl_step("test_process", E_WARNING,script_name" isn't found and invoked"); # if not, log and exit
return E_ERROR;
file_close(root_path"\"REGRESSION_TESTS"\"script_name"\script"); # else close file and continue
if (table_name!="") { # if data table name was passed
my_db_connect (IN_DATA_SES,DSN_LOCAL,30); # get its data
res=my_db_execute_query (IN_DATA_SES,"SELECT * FROM "table_name" WHERE (Use =Yes AND TestCase = '"test_case"' AND OrderDataSet ='"order_data_set"');",row_number);
if (row_number==0) {
my_tl_step("test_process", E_WARNING, script_name" - no data in table '"table_name"' for data set '"test_case"' and OrderDataSet ='"order_data_set"'. Script isn't invoked");
return E_WARNING;
db_get_headers (IN_DATA_SES, header_count, header_content);
else row_number=1; # else execute script only once
for (i=0;i parama["NeedCheck"]=need_check; # (re)initialize default checking option
parama["FillEmpty"]=fill_empty; # (re)initialize default auto-filling option
parama["Error"]=""; # clear Error value
my_tl_step("test_process", E_OK, script_name" is invoked"); # write to log
if (table_name!="") { # if data table name was passed
db_get_row(IN_DATA_SES,i,row_content); # get data
to_array(parama, header_content, row_content, "t",clear_params);
my_tl_step("test_process", E_OK, "Parameters:"replace_ASCII(row_content,9,59));
if (parama["Error"]!="") parama["NeedCheck"]="No"; # disable checking of added values for negative test
already_logged = ABC_Logon(username,password); # Log On to ABC Instance (avoids logoff after each test execution)
eval ("test_return=call_close ""script_name"" (parama);"); # invoke test with parameter
win_close_dialogs(); # close unnecesarry dialogs
win_restore(windows_list_file); # restore winows after completed test
log_text=script_name" finished"; # prepare log statement
if (test_return if (test_return==E_OK) log_text=log_text&" SUCCESFULLY";
my_tl_step("test_process", test_return, log_text); # write to the log
cwin=get_mainwin_desc("ABC"); # get winow description from expected title
if (cwin!="" && win_exists("ABC")) return E_OK;
else return test_return;
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