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Thread: Load Testing

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Smile Load Testing

    Hi all,
    I have just started testing.I wanted to ask is it necessary to do web testing before load testing a web application?
    I was going through a video on load testing and i found this statement.I tried finding reasons for the same but couldnt.
    Please help me in getting the reason,as it will help in getting my base clear.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Smile Re: Load Testing

    Hi Swarup,

    It is true that functional webtesting is required to a certain extent before you kick of Performance testing. There are a few reasons behind this logic -

    1) Incase application is not functionally tested even once, exposing the application to Load can have disastrous results. It could easily result in system crashes.

    2) Tools that assist performance testing also require navigational flow to be captured. Unless functionally tested, one can never be sure that the functionality under test is actually working or not.

    3) Tools like LoadRunner do not display any specific error message unlike automation tools. Hence reading the reason for failure from execution logs can be cumbersome. Incase AUT is functionally tested, we can atleast be assured that functional failure is not a cause.

    4) Functional testing need not be carried out to the usual extent performed in manual testing. It can be limited to ensure that there are not showstoppers in navigational flow and application is actually working...



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