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Thread: Difference between End to end testing and System testing

  1. #1
    Contributing Member
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    Sep 2007

    Difference between End to end testing and System testing

    Hi eveyone
    Can anybody please tell me what is different between End to end testing and system testing?

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Re: Difference between End to end testing and System testing

    End to end testing is the methodology to validate whether the flow of application from the starting point to end point is happenning perfecly.
    For example, while testing a web page, the start point will be logging in to the page and the end point will be logging out of the application. In this case, the end to end scenario will be
    log in to the application, get into inbox, open and close the mail, compose a mail, either reply or forward the mail, check in the sent items, and log out.

    System Testing is the metholodogy to validate whether the system as a whole is performing as per the requirements. There will be a lot of modules or unit in a application and in the system testing we have to validate the application performs as per the requirements as a whole.

    To be precise, in end to end testing the flow of activities from scratch to end will be validated and in the system testing the system as a whole will be validated.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Difference between End to end testing and System testing

    End-to-End Testing- Similar to system tesing, but involves the testing of complete application environment such as interacting with database, using network communications, interacting with other hardware, aaplication or systems if appropriate.

    System Testing- System Testing is the tseting of a system as a whole. This is what user see and feel about the product you provide.

  4. #4

    Re: Difference between End to end testing and System testing

    I have given such an answer before, but I think I should repeat it in such situations. In the company I currently work for, both end-to-end testing, system testing and system integration testing mean the same thing. In my QA career, there have been lots of ambiguities regarding definitions and nearly every source has its own understanding of the definition, but in my mind, both (system/end-to-end) are the same.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Difference between End to end testing and System testing

    End to end testing is we need to do complete testing of the application after any fix, or new code is added to the program to see that the application or code does not break

    System testing is done on the complete application,to check the against requirements

    Both are same

  6. #6
    Expert Member
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    Oct 2007

    Re: Difference between End to end testing and System testing


    It is pretty much true that in most of the companies, System Testing and End-to-End testing are used Synonymously. They almost mean the same.

    But the point of differentiation can be -

    End to End testing involves validating the process / data flow from the Start point of the Application to the End point of the Application. We could consider Databases as well intermediate Servers involved in the Application.

    System testing differs in a manner that it involves testing the System as against the specified Requirements. But scope would be limited to only the system in question alone.


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