Can anybody explain, how can we write automated GUI tests?
Can anybody explain, how can we write automated GUI tests?
Automated GUI tests can be written in either of two ways:
1. Recording and editing the scripts generated while recording the application and
2. Writing code by using script language, for example, if you are using winrunner you can write scripts through TSL (Test Script Language).
Usually, when you are doing regression test on a application it is always better to write code by recording and playback and then enhance the code by writing functions, parameterization, inserting checkpoints through coding the scripts.
Hi Zecar,
GUI Automation test scripting consits of 2 major operations - Recognition of the Objects involved in the functional flow, recording the navigational flow of the required modules.
Sometimes when you record and playback applications, Object recognition fails at certain instances. This could be because either the concerned Object does not get displayed or is child object which does not get displayed.
Record your functional flow as per Manual testcases. During recording Winrunner would learn all the objects associated with the flow into a GUI Map.
Once complete, playback the script. This is called as a Raw TSL script.
Check if it fails at any instance. Ascertain the reason and change the flow, include wait() or change Object Properties accordingly.
Proceed ahead with Checkpoints and Parameterization.
NOTE : Incase you are really comfortable with TSL scripting, learn all objects into a GUI Map first and proceed with scripting directly.
Whenever you will automate any test, the things matter is test cases which you automate, and as per my knowledge, GUI test cases can automated easily using automation tools, for every object check all options given to check when execute automate script, GUI will automatically tested.
Brijesh Jain
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