what is the difference between physical and logical address apart from that logical r computer generated and physical r by manufacturer...?
what is the difference between physical and logical address apart from that logical r computer generated and physical r by manufacturer...?
Physical address is your mac address.. it'll be given by manufacturer... its fixed.. you can change it using some software.. but after you restart your system the original mac will be set...
to retrieve your MAC address(physical address) type
getmac in dos-mode
Logical address comes into picture when you talk about virtual memory...
i.e a part of the secondary memory is used as ram... there we refer logical address rather physical..
Hi Bashaece
DR( Designated Router) is elected when ever OSPF routers are connected to the same multi-access networks. It is done to reduce the number of adjancencies formed. If there is a change in topology the initial router will only updates the DR and BDR (Backup Designated Router). The DR in turn will update the remaining routers.
If the DR is down, then the BDR will act as DR.
If U have any issue, reply back
The process of assigning the IP addresses by the DHCP server is also known as DORA (Discover, Offer, Request, and Acknowledgement).
logical address are that address that is asigned by user in the system like ip address
physical address are thataddress that is physically assigned by manufecturer like mac address. it is also known as physical address, mac address, ethernet address, hardware address. it is 48 bit size in 12 hexadecimal code that is divided into 24 bit 24 bit two part. first 24 bit is used for vendor and second 24 bit for unique addess.
mac address of any lan card manufectured by any company will not full match to other lan card manufectured by any company
1) switch works in the data link layer of osi model
2) Switch unicast the data
3) switch create mac table itself
4) switch have memory
5) switch contain one broadcast domain
6) switch contain multiple collision domain
7) switch contain all ports conect to the other ports with individual channel
8) switch one time broadcast to take mac address from connected all system with ports
1) hub works in the physical layer of osi model
2) hub broadcast the data
3) hub contain nothing any table
4) hub have not memory
5) hub contain one broadcast domain
6) hub contain one collision domain
7) hub contain one port are connect to next port with singal channel means on single channel all port transfer data to other port
What is diffrence betwn swithc & Hub
What are public IP ranges
ambot ninyo oi waz ko kasabot
can any 1 explain active directory, forest, tree etc
How wireless routers work
Insimple words active directory is used to provide security to network,clients ,users etc.,
Eigrp stands for enchanced interior gateway routing protocol
The basic difference between Ftp and Udp is tat Ftp is a reliable protocol...On the other hand Udp and Ip are both unreliable.
Yes, that is true and I am agree with you for the difference and it is simple. Thx
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