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Thread: Procedure to automate web application to QTP

  1. #1

    Procedure to automate web application to QTP

    Can anyone tell me the procedure to automate an web application to QTP? Is there any options that I have to change before starting the process. When i start to record from initial stage, where I will open an web browser specify the URL and when I perform login operation. when I try to run I am getting an error message that object has not been recognised.. Can anyone provide any guidelines of how to carry out scripting?

    Question asked by visitor santosh

  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Procedure to automate web application to QTP

    Hai friend,

    If you need to record web application then you should have the following record and run settings

    Automation->Record and Run settings->web->
    click on record and run browser if you are recording on any open browser

    click on ->open the following session when a record and run begins and specify the URL

    select the the above mentioned options and then click on Apply and Ok


  3. #3
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Procedure to automate web application to QTP

    Hi there,

    It is different from learning qtp by record and actual implement real qtp test. For real qtp test script within an organization, some thing below should be considered:

    1) Analyze your test purpose to decide who/where/what will the test scripts be created, run, access
    2) Pick frame work - I am not sure about this. I used Hybrid.
    3) Most automate testing would use shared OR. So take your time to creat/add all objects to your OR.
    4) When you add all objects to your OR you seem to know where the objects are. Then manually code is the better way (per my work) since you can add your logic to adjust the testing purpose.


    5) Record and modify it

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