Hi Sekhar,
Check out the below code. It will compare both the text files and isolate the differences found in the file1 which are not present in file 2 in a seperate ouput file.
To make it simpler , consider 2 text files - text1 and text2. This code would compare both the files and would log difference rows present in text 2 in a seperate file called as output.txt.
This is a vbscript code. So create a .vbs file and include it as a library function in your action.
dim found
set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set objinputfile2 = objfso.opentextfile ("c:\text2.txt")
set objoutputfile = objfso.createtextfile("c:\output.txt")
do until objinputfile2.atendofstream
found = false
strnextline2 = objinputfile2.readline
set objinputfile1 = objfso.opentextfile ("c:\text1.txt")
do until objinputfile1.atendofstream
strnextline1 = objinputfile1.readline
if (strnextline2 = strnextline1) then
found = true
end if
if (found = false) then
objoutputfile.writeline strnextline2
end if
set objinputfile1 = nothing
set objinputfile2 = nothing
set objoutputfile = nothing
Let me know incase you face any difficulties with the code,