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Thread: How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2

  1. #1

    How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    01 ws-data1 pic x(12) value "satish kumar'
    01 ws-data2 pic x(5)
    How can u move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Question asked by visitor satish kumar

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Quote Originally Posted by Geek_Guest View Post
    01 ws-data1 pic x(12) value "satish kumar'
    01 ws-data2 pic x(5)
    How can u move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Question asked by visitor satish kumar
    Use String function of cobol.

  3. #3

    Re: How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Quote Originally Posted by Geek_Guest View Post
    01 ws-data1 pic x(12) value "satish kumar'
    01 ws-data2 pic x(5)
    How can u move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Question asked by visitor satish kumar
    this can be done in many ways:
    (1)Declare another variable as:
    ->01 ws-data-group
    03 ws-filler pic x(07).
    03 ws-data2 pic x(05).
    ->move ws-data1 to ws-data-group.
    your required value will be in ws-data.

    (2)The second logic uses a counter which will search for a space after satish and move the remaining to data2.

    01 count pic 9(02).
    01 remain pic 9(02) value 0.

    ->perform varying count from 1 by 1 until ws-data1(count) equal space.
    ->subtract count from length of ws-data1 giving remain.
    ->add 1 to count.
    ->move ws-data1(count:remain) to ws-data2

    Hope this helps......

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Also, if you are coding the program and you want to always MOVE the last five characters of WS-DATA1 to WS-DATA2, you'd simply do:

    MOVE WS-DATA1 (8:5) TO WS-DATA2.

  5. #5

    Re: How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2

    Quote Originally Posted by rlsantucijr View Post
    Also, if you are coding the program and you want to always MOVE the last five characters of WS-DATA1 to WS-DATA2, you'd simply do:

    MOVE WS-DATA1 (8:5) TO WS-DATA2.

  6. #6

    Re: How can you move only "kumar" to ws-data2


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