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Thread: Test Cases for the Software Licencing

  1. #1

    Test Cases for the Software Licencing

    Can anyone tell me the Test Cases for the Software Licencing


    We have a software where I have to generate License send it to the customer (number of users is defined) customer uploads it and use the system.
    The system have a expiry date also.

    Question asked by visitor Shishir

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Test Cases for the Software Licencing

    Quote Originally Posted by Geek_Guest View Post

    I have to generate License send it to the customer (number of users is defined) customer uploads it and use the system.

    Question asked by visitor Shishir
    What do you mean by generate License ? Is it a key, which you mail to your customer or what?

    Brijesh Jain
    Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Test Cases for the Software Licencing

    In our company too we generate license and send it to the user.
    Assume that the expiry date is 30th June '07 and no. of users are 10 and today's date is 26th June '07
    1. The license should work till 30th June '07 but not beyond it. In my company if the server date exceeds this date then the whole system gets down.
    2. If 11the user is added then appropriate error should be displayed.
    3. If the license with past date is generated then the app server should not start. Should display appropriate error message.
    4. see if the proper files are generated during license generation. What if the file is not put in the intented folder. what if some of them are placed. try changing the system date and see if the license works. Some intelligent sw maintain their own calander sort of the thing . so even changing a system date will have not effect, you have to format your disk to run it again.

    Hope this helps and do correct me if I am wrong

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