Can anybody tell me how do design testcases for Date formate text object (MM/DD/Year)?
Can anybody tell me how do design testcases for Date formate text object (MM/DD/Year)?
1. check for whether it is in the format of mm/dd/yyyy
2. Verify for valid month no( i.e. b/w 1-12 )
3. Verify for valid date b/w 1-31 and the date should be corresponding to the month(for example the FEB month should not be greater than 29)
4. check for valid years.
date format can never be described in any SRS in the format (MM/DD/Year), which you have posted here.If it so, then it is SRS bug.
It can be:-
(MM/DD/YYYY) or (MM/DD/YY), as per your requirement, you have stated.And test cases will depend on the format you confirmed for your application.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
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