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Thread: Modifying LRECL attribute of a GDG file

  1. #1

    Modifying LRECL attribute of a GDG file

    Hi, Can anybody tell me how to increase the LRECL of a GDG file? Suppose I have a GDG(0) of LRECL = 80. Can I make it to 100? Other than copying to a new file and deleting the old one, Can I modify the LRECL attribute of the existing file either programattically or otherwise?


    Question asked by visitor susmi

  2. #2
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Modifying LRECL attribute of a GDG file

    You want to change the LRECL of a program from 80 to 100? That depends, are you going to be doing this once or many times?
    If once, just use =3.2 to allocate the larger GDG with a V01 suffix. Then =3.3 the smaller into the larger.

    If many times, code a COBOL or Assembler program to read in the smaller dataset, reformat the columns the way you want and write out the larger dataset.


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