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Thread: Extended Stored Procedure

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Extended Stored Procedure

    I am very much intersted in learning SQL Server. I read about Extended Stored Procedure which will be created outside SQL Server environment and will be accessed from C/C++. Kindly send me any program code which will be used to retrieve data outside SQL Server Environment.

  2. #2
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Extended Stored Procedure

    I have given below an extended stored procedure which checks whether a filename given by user exists or not. I have named the extended stored procedure as sample_pro. I have given below the the sample_pro extended stored procedure

    sample_pro[, output]

    exec master..sample_pro 'c:\example.file'

    declare @exists int

    exec master..sample_pro 'c:\example.file', @exists output

    print @exists

    In the above in the first line the extended stored procedure named as sample_pro is called with parameters and the second parameter returns an integer value if the file exists. The second line exec master..sample_pro 'c:\example.file' checks whether the file named as example.file exists or not and returns the record details fully the output value namely the result of file named as example.file exists or not is returned as an integer to the extended stored procedure named as sample_pro in the rest of the lines written above.

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