Reffer to this link http://www.geekinterview.com/talk/15...light=proirity
posted in software testing then u will get more details of Proirity and severity while looking into this link
Severity:- The impact of bug in term of application or how crtically it is, will effect the whole system. This severity is given by testers and once the severity is assigned for bug it never change. It is clasified into 4 types
1. Crtical ( not able to continue test execution ex: file not found, requested URL could not be retrieved)- Showstopper
2. High ( not able to continue test execution with out resoloving that defect)- Input domain bugs, output come bugs, H/W bugs, Control flow bugs etc....
3. Medium ( able to continue test execution but manditory to resolve) - Error handlling bugs, Virsion control bugs, source bugs etc...
4. Low ( able to continue test execution but may or maynot to resolve) - User interface bugs, id control bugs etc....
Priority:- The impact of bug in terms of client requirements or how quickly we need to be fix bug. This priority is given by TL/PL/CCB/QC and changes may be occur during bug fixing depends upon the time schedule and severity of bug.
It is classifeed into 3 types
1. High ( most urgency to fix it)
2. Medium (no urgent but to fix that defect so early)
3. Low (less uregency to fix that defect)
Bug fixing depends upon priority, priority depends upon the severity and time schedule, severity depends upon the functionality of application
examples for
1. high priority and low severity - Spelling mistakes in a screen, , wrong logo, logo missing etc..
2. low priority and high severity - Taking invalid input, final out put is wrong, device is responding wrongly, etc...
3. high priority and high severity - does not take valid type, dependent outputs are wrong, system deadlocks, etc
4. Low severity and low proirity - improper alignments