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Thread: Templates for Use case

  1. #1

    Templates for Use case

    Can any one help me in providing the templates for Use case, also I am a 1 year experienced guy. Please let me know what are the essential things to be known (Regarding Testing) for a person of my experience.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Question asked by visitor Hariprasad

  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Templates for Use case


    I am not employed as tester yet, so am not exactly sure what are the things you need to know.

    I can suggest anyway as junior tester you need to know

    Test case creation
    Test case execution
    Functionality testing
    Integration testing
    Regression testing

    Moreover you need to be strong enough in manual testing. As you explore you can develop knowledge on automation testing. If you are really interested in testing learn and keep updated on field experience (what the company wants from you, how far you are from their view etc) Hope you got relevant details.


    sridevi chitthu

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2007

    Re: Templates for Use case


    You should know all concepts of manual Testing , Testing Life Cycle, V-model for Testing, And V-model for Developing...Traceability matric, and all the Templetes , like test case, test plan, To report bugs and how u report bugs and all its feilds is very important , and types of Bugs , and Priority and Serverity etc.... Plz if u metionied and tool u should know that tool. bye... all the best..

  4. #4
    Expert Member
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    Nov 2006

    Re: Templates for Use case

    We currently have following information stored for Use Cases...

    Requirement ID, Use Case Name, Source, Created By, Date Created, Actor, Supporting Actors, Trigger, Pre Conditions, Description, Post Conditions, Scope, Priority, Frequency of Use, Exceptions, Assumptions, Notes and Issues.

    Lack of WILL POWER has caused more failure than


  5. #5

    Re: Templates for Use case

    Use Case is a document which is prepared from the requirements and specifications. Use cases are used as common document by both the development and the testing team. The development team will do the coding part by keeping use case document as the base. Also the testing team will start writing the test cases based on the use case document.

    Use case document will explain in depth regarding the flow of actions in and between the modules. There will be three flows viz., (1) Basic Flow (2) Alternate Flow and (3) Exceptional Flow.

    Basic flow is the normal flow of action, for example in a login page the basic flow will be entering user id, password and clicking the submit button will go to the next page. Alternate flow is what are the other flows than the basic flow, in the same example, the alternate flow will be before clicking the submit button, click the link to verify the user name exists in the data base. Exceptional flow is some undesired event happens how the system will reacts. In the same login example, after clicking the submit button and the user does not exists in the database the error page will be displayed saying that the user does not exists will be the exceptional flow.

    Application development and the test cases will be written based on the above mentioned flows from the use case.

    Use case document may be in any format such as in flow chart type or in descriptive type

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Templates for Use case

    Quote Originally Posted by sridharrganesan View Post
    the testing team will start writing the test cases based on the use case document.
    hi sridharrganesan,

    Using use cases, we should write test cases or test scenarios, Which is better?

    Brijesh Jain
    Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
    Google Plus : jainbrijeshji

  7. #7

    Re: Templates for Use case

    From the use cases as a first step the test scenarios are generated. From the identified test scenarios the test cases are derived.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Templates for Use case

    Quote Originally Posted by sridharrganesan View Post
    From the use cases as a first step the test scenarios are generated. From the identified test scenarios the test cases are derived.
    yes, this is what happen during testing process, right?

    Brijesh Jain
    Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
    Google Plus : jainbrijeshji

  9. #9

    Re: Templates for Use case

    Yes you are correct, this is the one that will happen in the testing process.

    In process of the building the test cases, the test cases are derived either from the test requirement specification or use case. While deriving the requirement or use case will be splitted in to test scenario for which the test cases are written.

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