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Thread: Winrunner 7 Modules question

  1. #1

    Winrunner 7 Modules question

    I am using Winrunner(7.0)
    in that in the Create module we are having Get text with an extension.
    My question is below: Please clarify asa soon as possible

    What is the difference between
    1) Get text from selection (web only) and
    2) Get text from web text check point

    If possible explain with an example.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Winrunner 7 Modules question

    What is the difference between
    1) Get text from selection (web only) and
    2) Get text from web text check point

    If possible explain with an example.

    See, when you specify the selection area, winrunner get the text from the specified area only.If you specify half text area, half text will lost.

    But when you use get text from web text check point, it get the text from the web object at which you apply the check point.Complete text will get.

    Brijesh Jain
    Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
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