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Thread: Why do we run DB2-COBOL program from JCL

  1. #1

    Why do we run DB2-COBOL program from JCL

    Question asked by Visitor Anubhav

    WHy do we run a DB2-COBOL program from a JCL through IKJEFT01.
    Can it be run without IKJEFT01 also, if yes how?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Why do we run DB2-COBOL program from JCL

    1. Use DSN utility to run a DB2 batch program from native TSO. An example is shown:




    2. Use IKJEFT01 utility program to run the above DSN command in a JCL.

    Assuming that a site’s standard is that pgm name = plan name, what is the easiest way to find out which pgms are affected by change in a table’s structure ?

    Query the catalogue tables SYSPLANDEP and SYSPACKDEP.

    You HAVE to use the IKJEFT01-JCL even if your main program doesn't use DB2-commands. An you have to bind a plan for this program. Ohterwise you cannot connect to the DB2-system an receive a SQL-Code -927.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Why do we run DB2-COBOL program from JCL

    you can use IKJEFT01A or IKJEFT01B also
    if u know any thing other than this send it to my mailid please

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