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Thread: How can i know that connected page is correct or not?

  1. #1

    How can i know that connected page is correct or not?

    Question asked by visitor RBabu

    How can we test integration connect pages through winrunner script, Means i am trying to connect one page to another page, How can i know that connected page is correct or not? explain this through script it self

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: How can i know that connected page is correct or not?

    Hai Babu,

    This is Vasu from Hyderabad, here the solution u test the application manually, means you are clicking on the respected link buttons according to their navigations, ok, here with the help of the tool also we can check that our application navigations are working properly i.e what ever u are checking here or connecting the pages one by one u perform it while recording itself, first record the action u want to test the pages, then play back them whether they are all properly running or not, check through by inserting checkpoints for eg: 2nd page window is enabled, like gui checkpoint and use of other checkpoints if the tool is able to work properly by inserting checkpoints then consider that the application is working properly, for whatever the test u are doing have some test cases written before the testing, then with what ever the scenario u are working u are able to get the information that how to proceed, ok.. friend, bye.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: How can i know that connected page is correct or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geek_Guest View Post
    Question asked by visitor RBabu

    How can we test integration connect pages through winrunner script, Means i am trying to connect one page to another page, How can i know that connected page is correct or not? explain this through script it self
    If you are interested in testing links connection, I will not suggest you to use winrunner script.

    Use any link checker for testing links.It will fast and productive, which is the aim of testing.

    Have a good day.

    Brijesh Jain
    Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
    Google Plus : jainbrijeshji

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