hi admin
I suggested a feature which if added , i think can help us a lot!
It was related to vocabulary building!
IS it possible?
PLEASE reply!
hi admin
I suggested a feature which if added , i think can help us a lot!
It was related to vocabulary building!
IS it possible?
PLEASE reply!
Hi admin
Yes , you can say so!
i wanted to suggest a new feature, for the improvement of vocabulary!what i thought was that someone (tell the members to submit some tough words and select few words for a week).others can discuss the meaning of the word ,SOME SENTENCES using that word should be made, so that we know WHERE to use the WORD PROPERLY.probably it will be more interesting and easy way to learn the words than cramming it up from dictionary. I dont know how good and practical this idea is!but atleast i feel this is a feature which can make this site more helpful!
Well Admin,
All this depends on what we want in this site. As far as I could see, the core area of the site (I thought the core intention of the existanc of this site was to serv as a techical forum. Like solving interview questions and having whitepapers on technical topics), is not developing fast enough.
I could see a lot of activity i the brainteaser section which -well- I must say is nowhere near technical. (Specialy some of the questions posted there were not up to th mark).
If we need quality, we are better off sticking to our core areas and moderating it.
I think the site needs more of moderation than opening new frums.
Well, VMShenoy, it was realy a good idea. We should have an "English Language" section/forum. But somehow I feel, this idea should be deffered atleast for now.
That's my opinion.
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]"If you are not living on the edge of your life, you are wasting space"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Someone says "Impossible is nothing". The man next him says "Let me see you licking your elbow tip!"
Hi kalayama
i would like to tell my point.i agree with your view that this site should deal with technical part more but as far as your second point is concerned ,i dont agree at all.(in which you told that you didnot wanted new forums like vocabulary , and with increasing number of questions in brainteasers).
Please ,see who uses this site more. You can see that there are many freshers, or probably college students(i dont know the exact number , but this seems to be true ,since i have tried to chat with the members of this forum, and they fell in the above categoryi.e freshers or college going students.)am i wrong?atleast i dont think so!
i think for this community(freshers...),vocabulary forum and brainteasers are really a boon.even the companies like infosys just ask puzzle in their aptitude.you may say that there are further rounds too,but you know it very well that if you clear your aptitude, then your chances to get into the company increases by leaps and bound.tell me any company which conducts technical round only and no aptitude (if it is there then percentage will be very less). I am placed in good company too,and i would like to share a fact here.out of 2000 students who took the test,only 180 cleared aptitude, and only 60 cleared gd.finally after technical round they selected 50.so you can see how important english and the aptitude test is! what is required to clear an aptitude? your vocabulary , and solving ability. You can see many good freshers with sound technical knowledge, but you will see them searching job!simply coz they dont clear aptitude! ofcourse i agree that you should stick to you core area, but i feel the vocabulary forum will help freshers lot! i wrote what i thought, and if someone thinks the other way, then iam really sorry for my suggestion!but please think of it! bye :d
Last edited by vmshenoy; 01-18-2007 at 03:16 AM.
you took my point in the wrong sense. ALL I had told was
. Which means, we will have that forum, but not now.We should have an "English Language" section/forum. But somehow I feel, this idea should be deffered atleast for now.
I had told,
. May be I should have asked this as a question. I wanted to know what Admin wants from this site.All this depends on what we want in this site.
I agree that Vocabulary section will help aspiring candidates. Believe me there are just too many sites which help in building your vocabulary. What makes GeekInterview unique is its technical knowledge base and it's technical user strength.
It was just my opinion that, we should focus on buildin more technical posts up there(Remember, Geek Talk is very young compared to GeekInterview. And most of our technical stuff lies in the other sections of GeekInterview.com like Tech FAQs, interview questions etc.
please understand that, I am not against the idea. The idea is good. All I wanted to portray was, the importance of building our core areas. If that's what we want, then we should stay focused on them.
I've been to a lot of tech forums and most of the forums get ruined (Or atleast I felt so) once more forums are created for "Life" topics as noone will post in "tech" domains.
If you want proof, just check the number of technical posts and non-technical posts in this very own Geek Interview forum.
I leave the decision to Admin. He has a better understanding of what he wants from the site.
But, please note that I am neither against the idea, -definitely- nor against you![]()
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]"If you are not living on the edge of your life, you are wasting space"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Someone says "Impossible is nothing". The man next him says "Let me see you licking your elbow tip!"
hi, i am new- how do i ask people questions about software testing. need help.
hai thank u for giving this info
i have face some problems in english language please give some suggestions to help the learning of english
hai i prepare for wipro tell any suggestion to wipro
I am good at Vocabulary Because I am learning Daily 10 new words,& also that i am using regularly While speaking,Writing.
I agree with vmshenoy. That kind of forum is very necessary for the freshers. Because most of the indians and specially from small cities and villages are not so strong at English and I am also one of them. so, idea is very good.