How to capture the screen shot of the application and paste it in the excel sheet and continue witht he test using winrunner?
NOTE : [This question was asked by a visitor]
How to capture the screen shot of the application and paste it in the excel sheet and continue witht he test using winrunner?
NOTE : [This question was asked by a visitor]
Dear friend,
If you know that in win runner there are two type of recording to record your application one is context sensitive and other is Analog recording .
By using analog recording you can capture the screen shot of the application .
If you feel any difficulty you can mail to following id :
You can capture the screen shot by pressing the 'PrintScreen' button on the keyboard. This copies the screen shot into the clipboard and now you can paste it whereever you want (paintbrush, word, excel, powerpoint....
Lack of WILL POWER has caused more failure than
try with the desktop.capture command (if something similar is available)
We have something like this in QTP. Check if similar thing is also available in Winrunner. Then save the Screen shot to the local system. and give the link in the excel sheet.
If you need the code, I can give you the QTP code