1) "OK" button in build change 2 "SUBIT" in next build, script is written and save , what i do?
2) wrunner not identified object , what 2 do other than virtual object wizard method.
1) "OK" button in build change 2 "SUBIT" in next build, script is written and save , what i do?
2) wrunner not identified object , what 2 do other than virtual object wizard method.
It's really simple, you have to change the TSL statement
to object_button(click,Label"Submit")
like that.
You have to tell the winrunner that label has been changed from ok to submit.
I am not an expert in winrunner, still a learner but hope it will solve your problem.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
Google Plus : jainbrijeshji
The change given above would not help.
After the caption of the "OK" button is changed, if we try to run the test, it shows a Run Wizard dialog box that says "WinRunner cannot find the object "OK". It also allows to 're-learn' the object using hand mouse pointer. Even after we do the changes mentioned by jainbrijesh, it still shows the same error.
So, we need to re-learn the object using the "Run Wizard". Once we re-learn the object, it can be used without any problem until it is changed again.
Lack of WILL POWER has caused more failure than
I forget to add one more thing in my previous post.
You have to make the changes in Gui map also.You have to change the object property there also.
But there is no need to relearn the object.And I am deadly sure about it.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
Google Plus : jainbrijeshji
Actually re-learning changes the GUI map automatically.
We need not search for the object in the GUI map and there is no risk of changing other objects in the object repository erroneously.
Lack of WILL POWER has caused more failure than
You are also right.But if I have to phase this problem, I will never go for relearning the object.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
Google Plus : jainbrijeshji
To Identify a newly added object or the object that have been modified in the newer version, you can use the "SPY" option in the WinRunner to identify the properties of the object. By identifying the property using Spy will automatically capture the caption of the button, which has been changed.