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Thread: Testing Techniques, Methodologies and Strategy

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2007

    Testing Techniques, Methodologies and Strategy

    Can anybody please help me to list out and understand difference between testing techniques and testing methodologies and testing strategy i am a bit confused whether both the terms have the same meaning or not. I have wasted a big amount of time on internet and google to search for the same and found unsatisfactory answers is manual and automation is called methodologies or they are techniques or white box and black box are called methodologies or test execution techniques like equal class and boundary value analysis is called methodologies or sdlc models are test methodologies and techniques thank you very much in advance regards, mansh bansal

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Testing Techniques, Methodologies and Strategy

    The three phrases covey the same message - usage of the terminology dependends on the user's choice.

    Last edited by appugadu; 09-11-2007 at 05:07 AM. Reason: spell

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Testing Techniques, Methodologies and Strategy

    Testing techniques are regression, unit, intergration and system testing.
    Testing methodologies like v-model, waterfall model implemented by the company and bva(boundry value analysis) and ECP (equivalence partition). I hope this will be clear. If you need more information pls do not hesitate to contact me.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Testing Techniques, Methodologies and Strategy


    Testing Techniques are broadly defined as white box and Black box what a technique means, it is a way to execute the testing can be manually or can be with the help of a tool.

    Methodologies: Now once you are clear with the technique what methods you are going to use, in other words what you are up to like, are you going to perform Black box or White
    box but how by dividing the application or by parallel testing or By using Agile method.

    Strategy: How you are going to start, If you want to start testing you can have two options broadly, VIZ: 1. Scenario Based testing.
    2. Risk Based testing.
    On the basis if above mentioned stratergies testing is being carried out by using proper techniwue and applying various methodologies.

    Hope this will help!

    Ajay Shembekar.
    Software Test Consultant.

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