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Thread: Which one is ambiguous ball...???

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Question Which one is ambiguous ball...???

    there are 12 identical balls in shape and look.. all are of same weight except one.. which is ambiguous. You are provided with a balance.. and by just three weighing u have to identify the ambiguous ball.
    can anyone do it..????

  2. #2
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Which one is ambiguous ball...???

    Solution 1:
    First divide the 12 coins into (5,5,2)

    Weight1: First compare two 5 coins. If both of them equal then goto weight3. Otherwise divide the weightless set coins into (2,2,1)

    Weight2: Second compare the two 2 coins. If the two weights are equal then the remaining one is defected coin. Othewise goto the weight3

    Weight3: Now you have only two coins. Weight this and found the defected coin.

    First divide the 12 coins into (2,2,8)

    First compare two 2 coins. If both of them equal then divide the 8 coins into (3,3,2). If not then take weighless two coins and then weight again. After this you got a defected gold coin.

    Weight2: Second compare the two 3 coins. If the two weights are equal then the remaining two coins contains the defected coin. Otherwise you got a weightless 3 set of coins.

    Weight3: From the previous weight either you got 3 set coins or 2 set coins. If you got three set coins then weight any other two and check it. If its equal then the remaining one is defected. Otherwise you can found defected coin using the weights. Now if you have 2 set coins then weight the two coins and found the defected coin.

    If you want more details about this problem then please visit the following URL. We already discuss this problem in our forum.



  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Question Re: Which one is ambiguous ball...???

    question just says that one of the balls is ambiguous. it doesn't say anything abt whether the ball had lesser weight or more weight compared to others.

  4. #4
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Which one is ambiguous ball...???

    That's why i gave the reference link...Please go through it..We already discuss with this..


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