I am learning Java and confused weather use of development Environment is a good idea like Elipse ... or any text editor like notepad is better to learn java.
Can U please tell me in industry which development Environments are used.
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I am learning Java and confused weather use of development Environment is a good idea like Elipse ... or any text editor like notepad is better to learn java.
Can U please tell me in industry which development Environments are used.
actually java or any language is based on some sytax and routine. a ide is giving us a programmer friendly environment. you can use that without thinking anything. if you learn that :eek: ide u will be better benifited as the companies are using IDE's like Netbeans IDE.
concentrate on thread,applet and also the basic trio (inheritence,polymorphism, package) Schildt (chapter 6,7,8,9,10) very importent in Java
You can use IDE for many useful things ... like you can write the source code like any editors, comes with interactive help to show the errors...cool thing is it shows the errors as you type and work and you can save the commonly used code as code snippet. so you can select and insert insted of typing again comes with java documents help and drag, drop features using objects like database connections and so on...
Sun Microsystems supports three IDEs for the Java platform: NetBeans, Sun Java Studio Creator, and Sun Java Studio Enterprise.
I have been using netbeans .. it's really cool one...
The main reason for not selecting another open source IDE like Eclipse is that newest version of NetBeans has built-in free J2EE support. This allows the new users to be able to see the results of examples without any problems and start J2EE development very quickly
Hope this helps....
I agree with Beena.. NetBeans is very good IDE to use... If you are beginner it really helps...
Dear Friends,
It's my great pleasure to write in this forum. Actualy I want to use Netbeans. Please tell me how to get it and how to install? If it is not free to use. Tell me which other good IDE is free to use.
[QUOTE=prakash_kunte]Dear Friends,
It's my great pleasure to write in this forum. Actualy I want to use Netbeans. Please tell me how to get it and how to install? If it is not free to use. Tell me which other good IDE is free to use.
Hello Prakash,
This is one of the article in exforsys...
In this guide, I will try to explain you how you can run examples for J2EE tutorials. There are many ways you can do this, here we will be using the examples in NetBeans IDE which is one of the most powerful open source Java integrated development environments available.
[URL="http://www.exforsys.com/content/view/1527/352/"]How to Install and Use NetBeans for Java Development[/URL]
Hope this helps...
Dear Suji,
Thanks for reply. I am trying as per it. Will let you know on the same.
Thank you very much
Eclipse is another open source IDe which is very good and is widely used across industry. IBM WSAD is based on eclipse and so are many other commercial products, hence learning curve is reduced there as well.
It has lots of plugins available which add a lot of features to it.
Thanks for introducing Eclipse. Can you please elaborate about that. or tell me any good link to know about that and to get it downloaded.
you can download it from
[url=http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/]Eclipse downloads home[/url]
it will be available from a lot of other sites as well.
Plugins for eclipse which add to its functionality are also widely available.
i like [url=http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/plugins.jsp]
EclipsePlugins : plugin overview
[url=http://eclipseplugincentral.com/Web_Links+main.html]Eclipse Plugin Central :: Eclipse plugin resource center and marketplace for Eclipse and Plugin Ecosystem[/url] is another one which has lots of plugins.
Also, try sourceforge.net and search for eclipse.
For getting started, use eclipse help.