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  1. Diiference Between Enum and #define (1 replies)
  2. Question!!! (1 replies)
  3. New for C (14 replies)
  4. BSS Segment (2 replies)
  5. Query related to C (2 replies)
  6. how to read line by line from a file in C (2 replies)
  7. query (2 replies)
  8. Help with even and odd integer program (3 replies)
  9. What am I doing wrong? Please help (3 replies)
  10. compile c program at command prompt (4 replies)
  11. c program to remove comments (2 replies)
  12. Compile C Program in Command Prompt (3 replies)
  13. please eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (2 replies)
  14. differences between assembly and c language (1 replies)
  15. Write a function which writes the integer value ABCDh to the memory location 1234h. (1 replies)
  16. extern (2 replies)
  17. offset (1 replies)
  18. static, global, local variable & volatile.... (3 replies)
  19. Doubt in union and structure (3 replies)
  20. C Code Snippet (4 replies)
  21. c++ (3 replies)
  22. union (3 replies)
  23. Test your programming skills (1 replies)
  24. sizeof() operator (9 replies)
  25. If someone can answer (6 replies)
  26. test your thinking power (4 replies)
  27. test your collection of books (2 replies)
  28. test your c skills (15 replies)
  29. base class (2 replies)
  30. c++ (3 replies)
  31. Reason for the following programm's output! (12 replies)
  32. Dynamic Polymorphism in C (1 replies)
  33. What is value of printf("%d",12.5); (3 replies)
  34. funtion min (1 replies)
  35. funtion swap (9 replies)
  36. Function Swap (2 replies)
  37. int Initialization (1 replies)
  38. Limitations of C (3 replies)
  39. Modularity using Functions (1 replies)
  40. Operator overloading (2 replies)
  41. Simple for loop (6 replies)
  42. Why Classes are made in C++ (2 replies)
  43. What does printf function returns? (14 replies)
  44. Run in DOS prompt (2 replies)
  45. Access derived Class (2 replies)
  46. c,c++ programmes storage (2 replies)
  47. saving c programmes (1 replies)
  48. Print 2nd largest value from array (14 replies)
  49. Isuue in virtual function (2 replies)
  50. to count vowels in c (2 replies)
  51. Circle linked list (2 replies)
  52. Development of operating system with C (1 replies)
  53. New Header File (4 replies)
  54. Program output (2 replies)
  55. Print elements in array (4 replies)
  56. Need free software for C programs (5 replies)
  57. switch case vs if else (3 replies)
  58. Calculate address of previous element in linked list (2 replies)
  59. Problem with winbase.h in VC++ (3 replies)
  60. How can we connect to a text file using C/C++? (4 replies)
  61. C Program Code (1 replies)
  62. Even and odd loop (11 replies)
  63. String to int conversion... (3 replies)
  64. Code Output (2 replies)
  65. Problem regarding FUNCTION (1 replies)
  66. Learn Pointers in C (4 replies)
  67. how we can read database file in C language? (2 replies)
  68. c c++apptitude (12 replies)
  69. Structure Padding in C (5 replies)
  70. C C++ Aptitude (8 replies)
  71. Advantages of using pointers in C (6 replies)
  72. How many times the while loop execute (7 replies)
  73. collections in java (1 replies)
  74. File Handling in C (4 replies)
  75. differences (3 replies)
  76. hi (3 replies)
  77. encapsulation (3 replies)
  78. Copy Constructor (7 replies)
  79. Detailed differance in C language and C++ language? (6 replies)
  80. structure and class (2 replies)
  81. Object_ (2 replies)
  82. virtual function (6 replies)
  83. How is it calculated??? (15 replies)
  84. How to execute a c++ prog (2 replies)
  85. Set sixth bit to 1 (4 replies)
  86. Switch between windows in C++ screens (1 replies)
  87. Runtime error segmentation fault (1 replies)
  88. Sockets in VC++ (1 replies)
  89. null statement in c (6 replies)
  90. unexpected end of file (2 replies)
  91. Get output as swap (1 replies)
  92. what will be the output? (8 replies)
  93. What will be the output ? give me answer (2 replies)
  94. Answer This? what would be output? (13 replies)
  95. Static and Singleton Class (1 replies)
  96. Float or character in place of int (5 replies)
  97. <<,>> what these operators r? (7 replies)
  98. pointers and union? (6 replies)
  99. preprocessor (5 replies)
  100. Basics of c (3 replies)
  101. Inherit private members of base class (11 replies)
  102. What is a output?. How will Come?. (28 replies)
  103. C Basics (3 replies)
  104. Class copy constructor and assignment operator (1 replies)
  105. C++ Operator Overloading Part II (1 replies)
  106. #if (3 replies)
  107. character array (2 replies)
  108. C Program Logic Question (1 replies)
  109. main() (6 replies)
  110. I want to create a GUI using C graphics (3 replies)
  111. Header file as #include <stdio.c> (5 replies)
  112. ASM keyword in C language (1 replies)
  113. c,c++ (4 replies)
  114. reverse number (6 replies)
  115. Why we are using the int in Malloc function (4 replies)
  116. Macro to exchange the nibbles (1 replies)
  117. We Want to Store the value a=10 by pointer (6 replies)
  118. socket programming (1 replies)
  119. socket programming (1 replies)
  120. null pointer (3 replies)
  121. C - 2 Dimensional Arrays (5 replies)
  122. How to find submatix with max sum (2 replies)
  123. How can a cycle be detected in a singly linked list (1 replies)
  124. Require Suggestion about c Programming. (2 replies)
  125. Header file in C++ to do graphics programming under Linux (1 replies)
  126. Assembly Program (2 replies)
  127. regarding prime no. (4 replies)
  128. c++ (3 replies)
  129. I need to reverse the bits in a short integer (2 replies)
  130. Program for finding cubic root of a number (2 replies)
  131. one doubt in C Quiz (4 replies)
  132. In C how signed number can be represented (1 replies)
  133. Middle node ptr of a linked list (1 replies)
  134. variable no. of arguments (2 replies)
  135. C++ compile time errors vs link time errors (1 replies)
  136. static array or dynamic array? (6 replies)
  137. constructors (2 replies)
  138. values of bits from 4th to 12th position is my required final data (1 replies)
  139. array of string operation (8 replies)
  140. about malloc (3 replies)
  141. What is the difference between static and global variables (5 replies)
  142. Can someone explain me what is dangling pointer in C language? (1 replies)
  143. Differe between static and global parameters (2 replies)
  144. An array of 100 elements consists of only 0's and 1's (1 replies)
  145. proc (2 replies)
  146. c interview questions (3 replies)
  147. C and C++ (1 replies)
  148. overload a function (4 replies)
  149. abt object repository,virtual objects (5 replies)
  150. How size of structure is defined (5 replies)
  151. Why free is used to deallocate memory (3 replies)
  152. ld returned 1 exit status (2 replies)
  153. How many Case statments can i use in Switch Statement (9 replies)
  154. Circle in linked list (7 replies)
  155. Compile a C program using command prompt (2 replies)
  156. Find the size of a datatype (3 replies)
  157. convert one dimansional array to two dimansional array (6 replies)
  158. Is this a correct statement (13 replies)
  159. Compute quadratic equation using function (2 replies)
  160. constructor (1 replies)
  161. garbage collector (3 replies)
  162. Can we use derived class pointer (1 replies)
  163. Transaction_history (1 replies)
  164. How can I access a variable (6 replies)
  165. sizeof and strlen (7 replies)
  166. which is advantage for systemside projects (2 replies)
  167. memory allocation for object (14 replies)
  168. Help me (2 replies)
  169. Will you help me please ?......friend (1 replies)
  170. Fastest algorithm to find the number of bits set in a number? (4 replies)
  171. Need for Down cast (1 replies)
  172. Date formatting (3 replies)
  173. Count the Occurence C Sample (3 replies)
  174. C Coding Question (3 replies)
  175. Deallocating dynamically allocated heap (4 replies)
  176. Content of an obj file in C (3 replies)
  177. what is smart piointer? (2 replies)
  178. Loading a ListBox from a Recordset (in C++) (1 replies)
  179. Setting desired bit in a 32 bit number (2 replies)
  180. Difference between following declarations (5 replies)
  181. Evaluate fibonacci of numbers (3 replies)
  182. Pass parameters from one action to another action (2 replies)
  183. How to check planidrome dynamically? (2 replies)
  184. void pointer in C Programming Language (13 replies)
  185. Is this Possible (2 replies)
  186. Difference in Concepts (2 replies)
  187. Is Sound Switched OFF (1 replies)
  188. Which is Powerful (1 replies)
  189. Query with Filling Functions (2 replies)
  190. About Argument in C++ (6 replies)
  191. Query with C++ (1 replies)
  192. Manipulators (1 replies)
  193. Allocating Memory (1 replies)
  194. Is this possible with Interrupt (1 replies)
  195. Operator Overloading (2 replies)
  196. Output Functions (5 replies)
  197. Program Execution (5 replies)
  198. String handling function in C (1 replies)
  199. Aspect Ratio (1 replies)
  200. How to determine access to file (1 replies)
  201. C or C++ (1 replies)
  202. Comparison of files (2 replies)
  203. Format specifiers in C (2 replies)
  204. Question with EOF (1 replies)
  205. Query with a Function in C (2 replies)
  206. Help on Dynamic Array (8 replies)
  207. Memory Function in C (2 replies)
  208. String into Long (2 replies)
  209. Query with relation to member function and object in Class (5 replies)
  210. Advantages of Header files (4 replies)
  211. Is there any difference between inFile and getline (1 replies)
  212. Can void be the return value of main Function (3 replies)
  213. Database access using C program (1 replies)
  214. Functions in stdlib.h (4 replies)
  215. Printtextscreen and printf (1 replies)
  216. Type of Error for Variables not declared in function (1 replies)
  217. Return Value of Functions (3 replies)
  218. Does default constructors gets created in all scenario (1 replies)
  219. Call by Value and Call by Reference (2 replies)
  220. C/C++ Programming : Limitations of switch statement (1 replies)
  221. Difference between stat, fstat, lstat (2 replies)
  222. Simple project to work with (1 replies)
  223. Use of sizeof in Malloc (4 replies)
  224. Folder handling in C (1 replies)
  225. Which is good for Game Programming (2 replies)
  226. How to Clear Input Buffer (3 replies)
  227. Usage of function (2 replies)
  228. Is there srand() in C or C++ (2 replies)
  229. Segmentation Fault in C program (3 replies)
  230. Is there any Problem with Serialization? (1 replies)
  231. Data structure with C in Real Time Applications (3 replies)
  232. Achieve Scalability in Program (3 replies)
  233. Is it possible to do graphics features with Mouse in C (2 replies)
  234. Association of C with UNIX (4 replies)
  235. Heard about different forms of printf and scanf (3 replies)
  236. Relationship between compilers and executables (1 replies)
  237. Real Time applications with Graphics Utilities in C (1 replies)
  238. Static variables in multiuser environment (3 replies)
  239. C Language - The Preprocessor (1 replies)
  240. C Programming - Linked Lists (1 replies)