- Descriptive Programming
- Running QTP from command line
- Error While Recording in QTP
- QTP Certification
- QTP Experts respond
- Object Spy
- How to do decriptive programming?
- How to add objects?
- Applications supported by QTP
- COM interface
- QTP - VB script
- reading data from excel sheet in QTP
- Counting objects in a web table
- Checkpoint failed
- QTP 8.2 on Windows XP Home Edition
- Getting all the tests results in batch runner
- XML Checkpoint and Accessibility Checkpoint
- Webpage / Frame Checkpoint
- Application not visible in active screen
- QTP Global mode
- QTP : executing test from commandline
- WebEdit and WebList
- Adding objects at run time
- Automating Excel Formulaes
- Copying Single Object
- How to import
- Unable to start the specific test.
- If QTP supports Flash
- Best approach to recognize the objects
- I get error "invalid call to function"...
- Select multiple check boxes in VB application
- How do we know which error is generated?
- Code to stop an iteration
- Login to sample flight application in QTP
- UI Testing Through QTP tool
- Reading a TSR file
- Validate Print button in webbased application
- Check for mail in user's microsoft outlook mailbox
- Selecting Radio Button
- Execute menu's in Home page
- Why do we need "Recovary senario" in QTP
- criteria in QTP for identifying WinObject and WebElement
- Difference between runtime object and testobject
- Integrate QTP with Test Director
- Upgrade .NET addin 8.2 to 9
- User defined function in QTP library
- Using Soft Keys in QTP
- First digit of date is getting truncated
- Proceeding to next transaction
- Clicking on corresponding add link
- qtp script problem
- How to proceed in QTP
- Where to download latest QTP version?
- menu item list
- How to capture first link in webpage when content changes everytime??
- Mask Cursor from bitmap image checkpoint
- Whats wrong in this Descriptive Program?
- about qtp
- about qtp
- how i can test web application
- QTP- wrong object recognised...
- Recording mode in QTP
- QTP compatibility with IE 7.0
- QTP 9.0 download
- Closing the Task Manager through QTP?
- testing
- Error when Integration QTP 9 with Quality Center
- Selecting Row using QTP
- What exactly a frame Work means?what are the different type of frameworks done in QTP
- Functions were stored in different location.
- Steps are not recorded
- Tool is not identifying location changing object
- Discriptive proraming(DP)
- Check contents in the menu
- qtp 9.1, windows xp
- Recording Prob in QTP
- Cannot identify the object "TextBox"
- Shared object repository as default association
- I need to check some values in the MS-Word
- How to identify "OracleTable" in Object Repositories
- Menu Items
- Anyone received mshtml.dll IEerror when using QTP?
- Regular Expression in QTP
- find home page of the application/webapp using QTP?
- How to test java project in QTP without java addin
- Code to click on 6 button
- script for combobox
- Test cases for QTP
- QTP Questions and Answers
- Cannot identify the object
- Retrieveing the title of the currently active window
- How to pick the data from the drop down list box
- when i am getting an application ,and i am said to proceed with qtp,what r the steps
- If QTP is not able to recognise a particular window
- Regarding QTP keyword driven framework
- servlets sessionmanagement.
- Not able to set value in the datafilter drop down
- Unable to recognise the java button and list box
- Regarding the convrsion of Vbscript files into .exe form
- How do you connect/configure qtp to access data from database?
- Template for new test script in QTP
- How to identified using regular expression
- QTP results in Quality Center
- Getting Error while creating / executing object repository
- How to use regular expression in QTP for an combo-box in Java Application.
- In QTP, How to call OR run an action saved in unknown drive
- File does not show the values that are generated
- Any help available for starters with user defined functions
- What is the equivalent in QTP to load the shared Object repository in the memory
- How do we check for a particular font color
- Change properties of an action after running QTP script
- Can I conver the 9.0scripts in QTP to 8.2
- How can I differentiate between different objects
- Second line in a MsgBox
- Object repository not found
- Launch notepad file by using QTP
- QTP- Object repository & Re-useable actions
- Do we record and playback in real time
- How can you differ the check points
- doubt in qtp
- Procedure to record a test using TermInal emulator
- reg vbcommands qtp
- Need Urgent Help......About QTp
- Runtime Value
- More Add-ins for QTP
- Capture the objects in a word document
- Need help about QTP...........
- Major differences between WinRunner and QTP?
- Script to extract all the JavaButton objects from a JavaWindow
- Should I get any Add-On to use .Net Framework
- Conventions on writing codes for QTP
- QTP File Extensions Descriptions
- How is the script linked with datasheet
- Does QTP accept pause/break action
- Code to remove the pop up blockage
- Using a shared repository in QTP
- How do I set up and use a shared repository in QTP
- Test the code of the Dot Net and Java
- Java Tree in QTP
- How to get the result column wise
- qtp
- qtp
- How to write scripts for getting this virtual object using QTP
- vb script
- Will I be able to write test cases without QTP
- QTP application is getting closed after initial screen
- Can QTP work with Flash controls??
- Oracle add in for qtp
- WinRunner to QTP migration
- Not able to traverse the tree node of a Web Application
- .net 2005 using QTP 9.0
- automating AS 400 application
- qtp
- Database chk point
- How to create objects?
- How to load variables and values from external file
- Script skips Marcomedia Flash Player ActiveX
- Writing Test Script Language in QTP
- Getting properties and values of MENU
- Method to excute child objects script
- Iterate one action more than the others
- Change runtime property of an object
- Descriptive Programming and Visual Basic Scripts
- Can you write your own utility functions in QTP
- Active Screen Operation
- How to test SAP Applications using QTP 9.0
- Running Test in Test Director Test Lab without QTP
- Method to identify the loaded web page
- How to use navigate method of browser object in QTP
- QTP is not recording what I type
- First output value is getting overwritten by second output
- recording mode
- What is iteration?How it is related to test results in QTP?
- I want to use the same variable in another scripted component
- I have XP and IE7, For some reason web testing won't work in QTP
- When will be we going to use Step Generator?How to use it?
- Test an Application designed with ASP.Net, C#
- I want to upgrade QTP version to 9.2
- QTP and Winrunnner on one machine
- QTP 9.2 Powerbuilder
- QTP Script in Load Runner for Load Testing
- How to pass parameters from excel sheet into an application form through qtp(code)
- Qtp
- How to record Macro media Flash??
- Adding new screen to object repository with child windows
- Per-action repository and shared object repository
- How to do batch test in QTP
- Explain how to use regular expression
- Perform batch testing in QTP 9.2
- Verification points in QTP
- Cannot Identify Object of Class Static
- In VB Application QTP is not recognising Menus.
- What is the file extension of objects that get stored
- multiple actions in QTP
- bugzilla with QTP
- Data -driven testing in qtp
- All fields are identified as generic java objects
- Environment variables in qtp
- Regular Expression
- systemutil.run "IEplore.exe","URL" is opening 2 browsers
- How do I deal with varible screens not the object
- Is there any way to enter dynamic values
- what are different types files generated and their role in QTP
- How to use environment variables in a QTP test
- While running Test script the value of drop down is not getting selected
- Is there any way to compare the runtime value with the actual value
- Is there any limit that our ReUsable Action's code
- Does QTP supports UNIX
- Test runs very slow
- QTP question?
- Difference between Function, Copy of Action & Externel Action
- I want to check selected and not selected radio button
- Can QTP while create a checkpoint during runtime
- Value of a single variable (column) into data table
- Getting error "syntax error in ObjectRepository"
- Convert local or per action repository to share repository
- Can I use QTP to test a .net web application
- Which type of testing you will prepare
- Object repository size in QTP
- About KPA
- How to rectify the Script File when it is not able to open
- While running its showing cannot find the object
- scripting
- How to make QTP recognize 2 different webtables
- Run modes available in QTP
- Playing Application script on different browsers without changes
- How to design and use the data sheet in a Script
- How do you convert local repository scripts to shared repository
- QTP is not recognizing Application
- In 8.2 Version scripts are failing due to bit map check
- Verify that this objects properties match an object currently displayed
- Default add-ins supported by the QTP 9.2
- Is it possible to have same logical name for more than one object
- How QTP is used for Regression Testing(process)
- I am facing problem in date picker
- What should i do to rectify ERROR ON PAGE problem
- What is the script to find out the test directory
- QTP Scripting
- Can I connect to QTP machine without QC server intervention
- Script which retrieves the current path of the test script
- How to add Objects dynamically to OR at runtime??
- I am testing CD which is used to download broadband connection
- I'm not able to write the script for login page
- Use of export xml file and import xml file options
- Write Script in QTP for Login screen with different combinations
- Can we assign input data from Notepad to the script?
- Hello to everyone in QTP family
- When do we use the recovery scenario manager in the QTP
- How to declare Global variables in QTP by using vb script?
- Global variables in QTP using VB Script