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  1. What is the use of abs function
  2. QTP can not identify some objects
  3. How to find QTP version ?
  4. parameters
  5. I cannot add a object as winmenu to object repository
  7. Unable to import data into local sheet
  8. Procedure to automate web application to QTP
  9. I need to get data from database and store in Excel
  10. The results of the last test alone is displayed
  11. How to execute second record from run time datatable ?
  12. copied Descriptive programing run on another system
  13. driver scripting
  14. Help me do decriptive programming
  15. difference between 8.2,9.0 & 9.2
  16. Script is not running because of reorganization problem
  17. Qtp and Microsoft vista os
  18. test script can be changed to scripted component????
  19. Access the hidden field directly, and set its value
  20. Sheet name is already in use
  21. About Sync Timing in QTP
  22. QTP related
  23. I have a task of comparing the huge piece of data
  24. Invoke QTP script from command prompt
  25. Recognize Editable fields
  26. Move QTP Script
  27. Selecting number in QTP
  28. QTP Recording Problem
  29. Flight Application
  30. Disabled Web Button
  31. differences between QTP & RFT
  32. calling only some actions with different parameters from data table
  33. QTP environmental variables
  34. Interface has too many methods
  35. Execute QTP scripts in Rational Robot
  36. How to automate " Image verification" in QTP?
  37. Why QTP is not WinRunners' latest version
  38. difference b/w analog and low level recording
  39. Database Checkpoint dynamic query
  40. keyword driven qtp sample working script
  41. Parameterize the data in QTP
  42. I have 2 browsers open having the same title and I want to close the second browser?
  43. Identify object inside application
  44. QTP material
  45. Can’t get Quality Center to communicate with QTP
  46. Concept of Recovery Scenario Manager
  47. Trial version of QTP
  48. Can anyone explain the Run Modes of QTP Tool in detail?
  49. How many manual test cases we can run
  50. Handle a JavaObject
  51. Logic code to test user loging
  52. Red Box Testing
  53. can anybody tell about object repository
  54. List box in the Java Table
  55. Features and Functions of QTP
  56. First step in learning QTP
  57. Retrieve data from webpage
  58. Not getting any template
  59. QTP Scripts in S Drive
  60. Excel File instead of .TSR
  61. Everything identified as Internet Explorer_Server
  62. Synchronisation without wait statement
  63. QTP VB Script
  64. F1 help
  65. Quality Center server path
  66. DOM Meaning
  67. Cannot identify the object "fromPort"
  68. How to check Non-Editable Fields in QTP
  69. Searching a string in a page
  70. Qtp
  71. Text link changes dynamically
  72. Not able to run a recorded test on the newely open application
  73. Best way to learn QTP
  74. Popup box GetItemsCount Option
  75. Database testing using QTP?
  76. Script to find mode of file
  77. QTP Trial not installing for second time in same system
  78. Connect Database
  79. Qtp
  80. More then one Object Repository in QTP
  81. Solve this scenario
  82. How can we parameter a Web link
  83. msg boxes in test result window
  84. Check currently dispalyed page
  85. Random testing test cases
  86. Verify object properties
  87. Tab enabled property
  88. Implement FOR Loop
  89. Spy from corresponding application
  90. Object Repository help
  91. Error while recording Combo Box
  92. Actual project data script
  93. QTP Repository
  94. Why QTP not recognize the object.
  95. Retrieve the data from database
  96. Rerun script fails but works next day
  97. Write loop results to database
  98. Avoid execution of action
  99. Necessity of VB Script
  100. Peoplesoft application dynamic grids
  101. Insert checkpoints without recording
  102. IE Netscape compatible script
  103. On error skip action
  104. Multi thread
  105. Recognising only outer form boundary
  106. Dynamically Changes its place
  107. Using QTP for SAP Testing
  108. check point
  109. Calling action on condition basis
  110. System gets stuck
  111. Qtp
  112. how to use virtual list object in web application.
  113. QTP object repository
  114. Import From Database
  115. Qtp
  116. quality centre
  117. Running Tests scripts saved on another system
  118. Qtp
  119. Object not visible.
  120. Searching in Crystal Report using QTP
  121. Add new property
  122. Automate COM Objects with QTP
  123. Put data in globalsheet
  124. Identify custom objects
  125. In QTP how to get visible order no in data table
  126. Retrieve text attached with checkbox
  127. copy objects from repository
  128. Re usable functions
  129. Declare a variable in QTP
  130. Objects recognized in different names
  131. Test Results Location (Temporary)
  132. Does QTP Script run if the system is locked?
  133. Object does not exist at page load
  134. Assigning a variable based off app's current state
  135. About Monitor?
  136. Automate MS Outlook Operations using QTP?
  137. Best approach to check GUI
  138. Unique address description
  139. datatable.import
  140. Mandatory test management tool
  141. QTP scripts
  142. Standard Checkpoint
  143. How to relate validation result to output result?
  144. QTP Scripting
  145. Qtp
  146. Load object repository to a test
  147. Webtable object identification on webpage
  148. Update object details in repository
  149. Change to designing field or testing side
  150. Changing actions on new data
  151. Is QTP OS specific
  152. QTP on Windows Vista
  153. Automated QTP Scripts for SAP Transactions
  154. How many test cases you have written
  155. Migrated from QTP 8.2 to 9.2
  156. how do you count the total no.of links in a webpage using qtp
  157. QTP wildcards in object repository
  158. QTP RESULTS problem
  159. disadvantages of automation testing?
  160. QTP- Active Screen
  161. Test Results Folder Location
  162. Working with action
  163. QTP Script to descriptive programming
  164. How to Import the data from MS-Excel in QTP?
  165. QTP user guide
  166. How to Import the data from MS-Access in QTP?
  167. QTP Object Repository
  168. qtp debug mode
  169. Global & Action1
  170. Purpose of Global sheet & Action sheet in QTP
  171. TestDirector vs QualityCenter
  172. How do we check Bitmap checkpoint using external bitmap file?
  173. regular expression
  174. Dynamic Objects Creation
  175. login function Automation
  176. Specialist Exam quetions!
  177. QTP is not recogning objects
  178. Qtp
  179. QTP script using Multiple Line SQL query
  180. Debug in QTP
  181. Qtp
  182. Calling QTP Script
  183. what is main difference between script and descriptive programing?
  184. How to extract test from PDF using QTP 9.0?Does QTP support PDF?
  185. Qtp
  186. Window id
  187. Run-Time Object & Test Object in QTP
  188. how to minimize the storage of objects in Object Repository ?
  189. QTP Trail version
  190. QTP If condition not working Properly
  191. Access an unknown object of the repository
  192. .Net and SWF objects
  193. Action/Test Parameters
  194. How to write the vbscript in web based applications in qtp?
  195. starting a new iteration if test fails
  196. Unable to Play Back in QTP
  197. are we wxecute the new build in qtp without frame work? is it possible?
  198. why are we using db connection in qtp?
  199. how to conduct input domain covearage in qtp?
  200. How to conduct retesting and regression testing in qtp?
  201. How to conduct sanity testing in qtp?
  202. QTP unable to record VB Elements
  203. Scheduling a Test Run
  204. Back end testing on SQL Server 2000
  205. Browser compatiblity test using QTP???
  206. Exit from a component
  207. Learning QTP
  208. Identification of Application type.......
  209. QTP and VB .Net 2005
  210. Database checkpoint
  211. Hi to All
  212. How to Maximize/Minimize the Browser using QTP?
  213. Text & Text Area Checkpoint
  214. Run mode
  215. Input Parameters & Output Parameters
  216. Edit Checklist
  217. Cannot find the object
  218. Script for Radio Button
  219. Can you merge 2 object repositories in QTP
  220. Analog Mode
  221. Hi Folks!! Wanna know how should i practise on VBScripting,if I dont have QTP s/w
  222. Creating an Output Value?????
  223. test files comparision
  224. What is an agent in QTP?
  225. Relation between QTP and VB Script
  226. QTP Certification Questions
  227. How do we set focus on a window
  228. Core Functions for QTP
  229. Working with IE Object
  230. Can anyone explain me,how to we perform testing ,if requirements are not provide
  231. How to run the Bath file using QTP/Vbscript
  232. Determine micclass of an object
  233. Close Command prompt using Vbscript
  234. best way to store your script
  235. Using datasheet of one action in another
  236. How to extract the web page information using vbscript/QTP script?
  237. How to copy the file from one location to another location using vbscript?
  238. E-learning testing and application testing
  239. Submit data from an external file
  240. QTP Java Addin support
  241. Read and write data to a file in QC
  242. difference b/w integration & system testing
  243. Run the Vbscript File
  244. how QTP indentifies the object plz provide me all the ways of identifying the object
  245. Storing Output values
  246. Advantages of Using XML Repository
  247. QTP and .net 3.0 applications.
  248. How to use MS Access in QTP
  249. Mainframe connectivity
  250. Unable to load QTP