- What is the use of abs function
- QTP can not identify some objects
- How to find QTP version ?
- parameters
- I cannot add a object as winmenu to object repository
- Unable to import data into local sheet
- Procedure to automate web application to QTP
- I need to get data from database and store in Excel
- The results of the last test alone is displayed
- How to execute second record from run time datatable ?
- copied Descriptive programing run on another system
- driver scripting
- Help me do decriptive programming
- difference between 8.2,9.0 & 9.2
- Script is not running because of reorganization problem
- Qtp and Microsoft vista os
- test script can be changed to scripted component????
- Access the hidden field directly, and set its value
- Sheet name is already in use
- About Sync Timing in QTP
- QTP related
- I have a task of comparing the huge piece of data
- Invoke QTP script from command prompt
- Recognize Editable fields
- Move QTP Script
- Selecting number in QTP
- QTP Recording Problem
- Flight Application
- Disabled Web Button
- differences between QTP & RFT
- calling only some actions with different parameters from data table
- QTP environmental variables
- Interface has too many methods
- Execute QTP scripts in Rational Robot
- How to automate " Image verification" in QTP?
- Why QTP is not WinRunners' latest version
- difference b/w analog and low level recording
- Database Checkpoint dynamic query
- keyword driven qtp sample working script
- Parameterize the data in QTP
- I have 2 browsers open having the same title and I want to close the second browser?
- Identify object inside application
- QTP material
- Can’t get Quality Center to communicate with QTP
- Concept of Recovery Scenario Manager
- Trial version of QTP
- Can anyone explain the Run Modes of QTP Tool in detail?
- How many manual test cases we can run
- Handle a JavaObject
- Logic code to test user loging
- Red Box Testing
- can anybody tell about object repository
- List box in the Java Table
- Features and Functions of QTP
- First step in learning QTP
- Retrieve data from webpage
- Not getting any template
- QTP Scripts in S Drive
- Excel File instead of .TSR
- Everything identified as Internet Explorer_Server
- Synchronisation without wait statement
- QTP VB Script
- F1 help
- Quality Center server path
- DOM Meaning
- Cannot identify the object "fromPort"
- How to check Non-Editable Fields in QTP
- Searching a string in a page
- Qtp
- Text link changes dynamically
- Not able to run a recorded test on the newely open application
- Best way to learn QTP
- Popup box GetItemsCount Option
- Database testing using QTP?
- Script to find mode of file
- QTP Trial not installing for second time in same system
- Connect Database
- Qtp
- More then one Object Repository in QTP
- Solve this scenario
- How can we parameter a Web link
- msg boxes in test result window
- Check currently dispalyed page
- Random testing test cases
- Verify object properties
- Tab enabled property
- Implement FOR Loop
- Spy from corresponding application
- Object Repository help
- Error while recording Combo Box
- Actual project data script
- QTP Repository
- Why QTP not recognize the object.
- Retrieve the data from database
- Rerun script fails but works next day
- Write loop results to database
- Avoid execution of action
- Necessity of VB Script
- Peoplesoft application dynamic grids
- Insert checkpoints without recording
- IE Netscape compatible script
- On error skip action
- Multi thread
- Recognising only outer form boundary
- Dynamically Changes its place
- Using QTP for SAP Testing
- check point
- Calling action on condition basis
- System gets stuck
- Qtp
- how to use virtual list object in web application.
- QTP object repository
- Import From Database
- Qtp
- quality centre
- Running Tests scripts saved on another system
- Qtp
- Object not visible.
- Searching in Crystal Report using QTP
- Add new property
- Automate COM Objects with QTP
- Put data in globalsheet
- Identify custom objects
- In QTP how to get visible order no in data table
- Retrieve text attached with checkbox
- copy objects from repository
- Re usable functions
- Declare a variable in QTP
- Objects recognized in different names
- Test Results Location (Temporary)
- Does QTP Script run if the system is locked?
- Object does not exist at page load
- Assigning a variable based off app's current state
- About Monitor?
- Automate MS Outlook Operations using QTP?
- Best approach to check GUI
- Unique address description
- datatable.import
- Mandatory test management tool
- QTP scripts
- Standard Checkpoint
- How to relate validation result to output result?
- QTP Scripting
- Qtp
- Load object repository to a test
- Webtable object identification on webpage
- Update object details in repository
- Change to designing field or testing side
- Changing actions on new data
- Is QTP OS specific
- QTP on Windows Vista
- Automated QTP Scripts for SAP Transactions
- How many test cases you have written
- Migrated from QTP 8.2 to 9.2
- how do you count the total no.of links in a webpage using qtp
- QTP wildcards in object repository
- QTP RESULTS problem
- disadvantages of automation testing?
- QTP- Active Screen
- Test Results Folder Location
- Working with action
- QTP Script to descriptive programming
- How to Import the data from MS-Excel in QTP?
- QTP user guide
- How to Import the data from MS-Access in QTP?
- QTP Object Repository
- qtp debug mode
- Global & Action1
- Purpose of Global sheet & Action sheet in QTP
- TestDirector vs QualityCenter
- How do we check Bitmap checkpoint using external bitmap file?
- regular expression
- Dynamic Objects Creation
- login function Automation
- Specialist Exam quetions!
- QTP is not recogning objects
- Qtp
- QTP script using Multiple Line SQL query
- Debug in QTP
- Qtp
- Calling QTP Script
- what is main difference between script and descriptive programing?
- How to extract test from PDF using QTP 9.0?Does QTP support PDF?
- Qtp
- Window id
- Run-Time Object & Test Object in QTP
- how to minimize the storage of objects in Object Repository ?
- QTP Trail version
- QTP If condition not working Properly
- Access an unknown object of the repository
- .Net and SWF objects
- Action/Test Parameters
- How to write the vbscript in web based applications in qtp?
- starting a new iteration if test fails
- Unable to Play Back in QTP
- are we wxecute the new build in qtp without frame work? is it possible?
- why are we using db connection in qtp?
- how to conduct input domain covearage in qtp?
- How to conduct retesting and regression testing in qtp?
- How to conduct sanity testing in qtp?
- QTP unable to record VB Elements
- Scheduling a Test Run
- Back end testing on SQL Server 2000
- Browser compatiblity test using QTP???
- Exit from a component
- Learning QTP
- Identification of Application type.......
- QTP and VB .Net 2005
- Database checkpoint
- Hi to All
- How to Maximize/Minimize the Browser using QTP?
- Text & Text Area Checkpoint
- Run mode
- Input Parameters & Output Parameters
- Edit Checklist
- Cannot find the object
- Script for Radio Button
- Can you merge 2 object repositories in QTP
- Analog Mode
- Hi Folks!! Wanna know how should i practise on VBScripting,if I dont have QTP s/w
- Creating an Output Value?????
- test files comparision
- What is an agent in QTP?
- Relation between QTP and VB Script
- QTP Certification Questions
- How do we set focus on a window
- Core Functions for QTP
- Working with IE Object
- Can anyone explain me,how to we perform testing ,if requirements are not provide
- How to run the Bath file using QTP/Vbscript
- Determine micclass of an object
- Close Command prompt using Vbscript
- best way to store your script
- Using datasheet of one action in another
- How to extract the web page information using vbscript/QTP script?
- How to copy the file from one location to another location using vbscript?
- E-learning testing and application testing
- Submit data from an external file
- QTP Java Addin support
- Read and write data to a file in QC
- difference b/w integration & system testing
- Run the Vbscript File
- how QTP indentifies the object plz provide me all the ways of identifying the object
- Storing Output values
- Advantages of Using XML Repository
- QTP and .net 3.0 applications.
- How to use MS Access in QTP
- Mainframe connectivity
- Unable to load QTP